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Item Database - Nano Crystal (Izgimmer's Mockery)

Nano Crystal (Izgimmer's Mockery) Icon #42452 Nano Crystal - When Julius Enfraam proclaimed during a lecture that the coding for his 'Perfected Fortification' nano formula was crafted with such skill that no one would ever be able to match it, Mehar Izgimmer took it as a personal insult. In a single sitting lasting 37 hours, Izgimmer took apart Enfraam's coding, and added his own code to enhance the already 'perfect' code, further enhancing its effects. When Enfraam received a copy of the code, he is reported to have flown into such a rage that he had a minor stroke. This formula increases all ACs by 331 points, and increases maximum health by 350 points.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Tell Collision, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 12.8 13.2 14.9
Change QL:
Value 3136000
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
To Use User Matter creation >= 842 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 842 and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 842 and
User Visual profession == Nano-Technician
On Use User Upload Izgimmer's Mockery  
Notumsurrrge @ 2004-04-09 06:19
Great line, glad funcom improved it. That extra NR and Health really helps in PvP
Xardass @ 2004-11-03 11:14
well kinda nice but wod be nicer whit +500 2 all AC
Jasper123 @ 2005-06-30 12:23
+29k to all would be nicer to... ;/ this thing rox esp NR
Shojumaru @ 2005-08-08 23:57
Every bit to protect the squishy little NT helps. especially considering it stacks with other AC buffs, I'd say it's a nice nano to have. It won't exactly save your life, but maybe extend it enough for the enfo to pull aggro of you.
triggerzer0 @ 2005-10-20 08:23
is this rollable?
Keex @ 2005-10-21 18:13
no, bossloot only
Nukera @ 2006-03-14 16:35
i say just wait until you can cast this 1 and not waste money on the rest. oh, and where do you find this?
RainFrost @ 2006-04-05 21:04
you don´t have to waste any money on the others as you can blitz em.
by reading the other posts here, you might find out then that this one here is bossloot though ^^
genius71 @ 2006-07-27 17:43
When Julius Enfraam proclaimed during a lecture that the coding for his 'Perfected Fortification' nano formula was crafted with such skill that no one would ever be able to match it, Mehar Izgimmer took it as a personal insult. In a single sitting lasting 37 hours, Izgimmer took apart Enfraam's coding, and added his own code to enhance the already 'perfect' code, further enhancing its effects. When Enfraam received a copy of the code, he is reported to have flown into such a rage that he had a minor stroke.

Shadow.ik @ 2006-12-26 21:36
This is the way how to get over 1500 NR at lvl 155 :O
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-05-06 04:07
As far as defensive nanos go.. this /is/ kind of a mockery. :p
tr33g @ 2007-05-07 17:33
Hehe, just bought mine for 20m :)
Taristin @ 2007-07-14 01:16
This whole Izgimmer - Enfraam thing reminds me of the Farnsworth - Wernstrom debacle in Futurama :p
Markerz @ 2008-05-05 05:58
Whitey @ 2009-04-18 18:25
except Efraam thinks he's awesome, but gets pwned every time by izzy.
Moniker @ 2010-02-05 11:12
I am enfraam ingame and I challange izgimmer to fisticuffs! Have at you!
Phracton @ 2010-03-12 15:59
Atlantean: Enfraam (L203 Nano-Technician) - Mercury Dragons
Atlantean: Izgimmer (L87 Enforcer) - Grisu - The Little Dragons

Ah well... out of PvP range :P
Chartax @ 2010-06-29 23:35
I am Izgimmer ingame and I raise my eyebrow to you in mockery.
buttmuffin @ 2015-11-04 03:46
holy shit
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