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Item Database - Izgimmer's Enveloping Flame

Izgimmer's Enveloping Flame Icon #16280 Your Fire AC has been lowered by 300 points by the nano formula Izgimmer's Enveloping Flame.
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override, Buff Nano, Want Collision, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 12.5 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5
NCU 56
Nanocost 0
School Combat
Duration 25 seconds
Attack time 0.01s
Recharge time 0.01s
Effect icon Icon 39585
Stacking order 56
Defense skills
Nano resist 0 %
Attack skills
Matter creation 100 %
On Use Target Modify Fire AC -300  
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-07-21 03:30
A whopping 30 more dmg from fire based weapons.. but not nukes since they always hit for minimum.. woo!
Vladja @ 2009-05-12 18:56
Nukes do not always hit for min damage. Your target needs to have at least 8250 fire AC to always get hit for mindamage (more if you have %damage modifiers) with IEF.
Moniker @ 2009-12-15 05:07
Theres more to life than hecklers.
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