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Item Database - Quality Bloodworm Carapace

Quality Bloodworm Carapace Icon #85166 Bloodworms are harmless breeds of articulate animals, typically designed for terraforming. They spend their entire life underground, and when brought into daylight they quickly die. When dried out the creature can be used as a weapon.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear, Fast Attack, Brawl
Patch 11.4 12.5 13.9.1 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, Left hand
Value 441983
Equip time 3s
Attack time 0.82s
Recharge time 1.22s
Range 2 m
Damage 32-43 (97) - Melee AC
Initiative skill Melee init
Martial arts 887
Mass 2.2kg
Multi melee 931
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
1h Blunt 100 %
To Equip User 1h Blunt >= 793 and
User Fast attack >= 397 and
User Brawl >= 476
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