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Item Database - Calling of The Vivificator

Calling of The Vivificator Icon #96262 Weaving strands of energy, nanobots will create The Vivificator. No one is completely certain whether The Vivificator is a purely artificial construct created by the hand of a skilled nano prorgammer ages past, or the temporary manifestation of a real entity. Whatever the case, The Vivificator will obey the orders of the meta physicist and can be commanded to heal the friends of the summoner.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 11.0 11.3 11.4 12.8 14.2.1 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.0 18.5
QL 143
Crystal Nano Crystal (Calling of The Vivificator)
NCU 44
Nanocost 559
School Space
Attack time 9s
Recharge time 4.25s
Range 1 m
Attack skills
Biological metamorphosis 50 %
Time and space 50 %
To Use User Time and space >= 663 and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 663 and
User Visual profession == Meta-Physicist and
User Pets == 0
On Use Self Summon Monster MT06  
Coneliuss @ 2005-04-22 12:15
Just wondering why agent cant use this in FP, but can use Restite.
ober @ 2005-08-24 19:56
Because when they can use this one, fp doc is nearly a viable option.
Ricazel @ 2005-11-23 14:06
ketsat @ 2006-01-21 15:43
Agents can use Resite, but not this since
Resite is:
"User Visual profession == Meta-Physicist"
Vivificator is:
"User Profession == Meta-Physicist"

"Visual profession ==" means that the nano/item can be used by a FP agent.
If you are looking for the non-gametech explanation, its cause it would make them too uber =)
Ricazel: Yes, this can be rolled as a mission award
Avenger588 @ 2006-04-03 17:15
unforunately for all agents restite is the highest healpet they can use
rattjamann @ 2006-07-05 17:41
Is this realy rolleble? cuz i sure hell cant find it. rolled for about 600k now and still nothing!
nemasis @ 2007-09-11 20:56
yes its is but took me while
AnonymousGuy @ 2007-09-25 17:39
Coneliuss @ 2005-04-22 12:15
Just wondering why agent cant use this in FP, but can use Restite.
ober @ 2005-08-24 19:56
Because when they can use this one, fp doc is nearly a viable option.

agents need 754 BM/PM/SI to mimic doc, thats almost 100 more than the reqs for this pet. the agent asume line puts a -1500 debuff on nano Init (plus other debuffs), so its simply not an option for active nano casting during combat. as agents werent given any healing methods of there own and the next higher MP pet still has lower reqs than mimc doc, i really dont see why this one shouldnt be FPable. i've heard from MPs that it's a long stretch between Restite and Vivificator, well imagine how long it is for an agent until the next better healing! And anyone who's played a PvM agent knows that it's ALL about getting the next better healing to save our squishy asses.
my two creds.
shagwire @ 2009-04-06 03:42
anyone got to sell on rk2 pm toppss plz
kilafiremage @ 2010-02-11 23:46
FP'able now.... agent lub
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