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Item Database - YES Assault 1007 Model 5.5 Piratos

YES Assault 1007 Model 5.5 Piratos Icon #113990 The YES Model 5.5 Piratos uses a reinforced energized Notum frame to survive the heavy full-auto fire this gun is capable of. It has embedded Hyper Pylons, SkinCom 4th edition, a Jandawit cleanup cluster and Freonite stabilizers.
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Wear, Burst, Full Auto
Patch 11.0 11.4 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Value 576808
Equip time 4.7s
Attack time 1s
Recharge time 0.7s
Range 20 m
Clip 100 - Bullets
Damage 3-119 (116) - Projectile AC
Attack rating cap 2401
Burst cycle 2500
Fullauto cycle 7600
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 5.1kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Assault rifle 67 %
Smg 33 %
To Equip User Assault rifle >= 796 and
User Smg >= 531 and
User Burst >= 663 and
User Full auto >= 796
On Equip User Modify Stamina 25  
User Modify Projectile AC 60  
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