Shareida @ 2004-09-28 05:03
wtb FP agent + Crit buffs for trader =D
triggerzer0 @ 2005-08-03 01:11
where do you get this gun?
charmo @ 2006-01-11 04:41
houserocker @ 2006-01-30 13:12
dJinN @ 2006-02-08 07:40
What kind of criticals do people get with this?
houserocker @ 2006-03-28 23:59
With 1100 attack rating and almost no add damage my trader was critting for ~4.7k (on RK). However if you are going for a crit dependent setup the Ithaca is a better choice, much faster. I just use this as a buffing gun.
enfoz @ 2006-07-07 16:00
You hit Colonel Torra Chorrason for 4313 points of projectile damage.Critical hit!
You hit Colonel Torra Chorrason for 4313 of Fling Shot damage.
thats a ql 182 waltzing queen with 1191 AR (1191 shotgun 614 fling)
leite @ 2006-12-25 23:21
now imagine your a high level agent, I would use this gun and turn on Critical buffs then give like 5 criticals with this baby, that's destructive ^^
Xira @ 2007-05-17 17:03
Im going to use this on my MA!!! :P
wintypes @ 2007-07-12 01:25
this is truly a crit whore. Regular damage is Eew.
Too bad that the attack speed goes so much down when I use this on my lvl 15 doc with a 270 scope :(
zerogates @ 2007-08-03 00:25
you mean lower level one ofc :)
wintypes @ 2007-08-25 20:33
oh, yes ofc. I was referring to this weapon line rather than to this particular QL
Shiare @ 2008-09-03 13:50
houserocker @ 2006-03-28 23:59
With 1100 attack rating and almost no add damage my trader was critting for ~4.7k (on RK). However if you are going for a crit dependent setup the Ithaca is a better choice, much faster. I just use this as a buffing gun.
Well, the ithaca line is faster, which gives you a faster fling shot recharge and also comes with Aimed shot....however, it's a much higher skill investment as you need to raise shotgun, fling, aim shot and concealment (to ensure you can do aim shots often). You gonna have to lose some IP (aim shot is expensive IP wise) for which you may need for nano skills, evades, base abilities or weapon/nano speeds. so using the ithaca comes with some sacrifice that you don't have when using krutt assault line and the base damage of ithaca isn't much higher than the krutt either. They are practically the same but in my opinion, higher minimum damage is usually better.
The crits on this gun will be massive compared to the ithaca....the aim shots and faster fling might make up for it in long fights though.....the base damage of the ithaca isn't big enough compared to this weapon here...they are practically similar but waltzing queen is gonna give you a garuanteed 4k - 4.5K crit while leaving you with enough IP to spend on evades and other important things.....heck maybe higher nano skills to use higher drains at an earlier level.
oh and one more thing, you get nice buffs with this gun that will make a difference to all your skills not just some small evades like the ithaca gives. I'd much rather have +24 intelligence (higher nano skills) and Stamina (more health) over +25 evades.....heck you can use quantum uncertainy for +110 evades...another 25 evades isn't gonna change how often you get critted or for how much (probably only about less than 20 point difference).
Either weapon is ok to use in my opinion and niether really outshines the other by too much...but for crits, I'd go with the krutt...for pvp, I'd go with the ithaca if making a
pallux @ 2008-09-29 04:48
Shiare, you realize that this guns stamina bonus will only give a trox +24 hp, soli/opi +18, and NM +12, right? I'd take the evades anyday.
Shareida @ 2008-12-08 19:22
Crits 6k+ easily with capped MBS and some dmg add.
Anlryu @ 2009-04-14 14:14
I used that one from lvl 60 to 110~ then switched to 199 ithaca... I was fan of Krutt line but I now definitively prefer Ithaca line after lvl 110.
At 120 with a 175 crit scope, you don't need to raise any IP in AS to equip this. Faster hits with about same average damage and can do 10k+ AS pretty easy (I sometimes do 13k). 3.4k crits with 950 shotgun, 3x times faster FS than Krutt with 640~ FS skill.
The lower crit on this weapon is balanced with faster dmg output imo, and AS+ a crit kill a mob before he hit you :) (I don't use any conceal, I just rush & tab/O a lot until I hit :) )
Anlryu @ 2009-04-14 14:14
I meant 275 scope
jeycihn @ 2009-11-22 20:51
on my level 70 trader in med suit -- You hit Eleet for 4068 points of Fling Shot damage. You hit Eleet for 4068 points of projectile damage.Critical hit!
yay, just for funz tho. not at all a serious leveling wep due to crap junk regs, still fun with the "HOLY SHIT!11!" crits
bhartley63 @ 2010-04-22 07:06
using on my 60 trader... hes just a support toon for debuffs though, works great
Dagger @ 2010-08-22 10:16
Good for 150 MAs in s10.
Vigos @ 2010-12-30 04:08
I LOVE THIS SHOTGUN! ...Queen Special indeed :P
On average a trader has access to 3% (base crit) + coffee (1%) + 8% (ql 249 Vision Enhancer, the lowest ql to get it) + 24% (highest crit buff from MA) = 36% crit chance!
Vigos @ 2011-01-06 09:38
Correction: 3% (base crit) + coffee (1%) + 8% (ql249 Vision Enhancers, lowest ql to get that percentage) + 7% (MA's Mark of Peril) + 4% (Agent's Take the Shot buff) = 23% crit (higher if you get higer ql VE)
Vigos @ 2011-01-06 19:24
Ooo add +4% crit (Cloak of the Reanimated Ranger (5/5) for 27% crit chance :D
Shareida @ 2011-04-07 03:29
Still a viable gun for Endgame Traders on low AC encounters.
At 71% Crit still outperforms the Greed of the Xan on certain encounters
15% viral scope, 24% drains, 5% Dreadloch HUD, 3% base, 5% research, 2% alappaa pads, 3% DB gear (sleeves+pants) (I dont wear but have: Artillery shroud 1%) Exterm ocular 3%. 7% mop, 4% tts.
Still ODing the Dreed of the Xan on certain encounters
Vigos @ 2012-11-17 01:05
Froob 200 Solitus Agent crit setup with coffee, ToS, and MoP.
Figures don't include Luck's Fickle Fate + Sloth (-95 to Duck skill of target ;):
Over 10 seconds you would do about 8518 points of damage.
Queen w/ Cloak of the Reanimated Ranger (5/5) active...
Over 10 seconds you would do about 9896 points of damage.
Queen w/ Flurry of Blows (QL166) active...
Over 10 seconds you would do about 12470 points of damage.
Queen w/ Gnat's Wing active...
Over 10 seconds you would do about 16128 points of damage.
Queen w/ Absolute Concentration...
Over 10 seconds you would do about 53959 points of damage.
Vigos @ 2012-11-17 01:07
I meant "Will of the Ranger", the right-click use ability of Cloak of the Reanimated Ranger (5/5).
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