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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Devastating Energy Overload -1 105
Disruptive Photon Absorber -1 25
Disruptive Photon Annihilator -1 45
Disruptive Photon Deflector -1 12
Disruptive Photon Devourer -1 36
Disruptive Void Projector -1 50
Enveloping Darkness -1 18
Eternal Night -1 12
Flashing Energy Overload -1 102
Gaze into the Void -1 50
Grant Us Eyes -1 50
Legions of the Eyeblighter -1 50
Mass Claw Eyes -1 7
Mass Cornea Attack -1 34
Mass Pronounce Blindness -1 41
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 9
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 3
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 50
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 58
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 27
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 37
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 30
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 15
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 47
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 43
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 21
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 49
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 53
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 2
Medusa - Effect of Head -1 56
Minor Energy Overload -1 100
Obstructed Vision -1 21
Optic Plague -1 60 1781 1781 nan
Ravaging Energy Overload -1 104
Scream of Yidira -1 58
Shocking Energy Overload -1 103
Silence of the Hills -1 2
Silence of the Light -1 2
Silence of the Mountains -1 2
Silence of the Ocean -1 2
Silence of the Peeks -1 2
Twilight's Murder -1 24
Wild Eye Gouger -1 12
Poke Eyes 4 2 25 25 nan
Claw Eyes 7 3 47 47 nan
Gouge Eyes 27 9 143 143 nan
Curtain of Darkness 47 15 229 229 nan
Shroud of Darkness 66 21 317 317 nan
Lesser Eyeblighter 86 27 402 402 nan
Cornea Attack 96 30 448 448 nan
Pronounce Blindness 119 37 556 556 nan
Eyeblighter 139 43 651 651 nan
Eviscerate Eyes 152 47 702 702 nan
Brutal Cornea Attack 159 49 730 730 nan
Foul Eyeblighter 162 50 754 754 nan
Photon Deflector 172 53 803 803 nan
Shroud of the Grave 182 56 842 842 nan
Visions of the Void 189 58 874 874 nan
Blinded 390 10 230
Blinded 390 15 400
Blinded 390 25 400
Influence of Bane 390 15 229 229