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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Total Mirror Shield Mk X 146 45 696 591 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk VIII 129 40 628 513 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk VII 126 39 616 470 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk VI 106 33 534 392 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk V 86 27 434 333 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk IX 132 41 643 547 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk IV 60 19 305 237 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk III 47 15 232 186 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk II 27 9 143 115 sol
Total Mirror Shield Mk I 10 4 59 47 sol
TESTLIVEITEM: CoT Reactive Reflective Field (Extended) 220 44 age
Superior Nanobot Shelter -1 50 nan
Superior Nanobot Shelter 215 50 1541 1541 nan
Shield of the Voidling -1 1
Shield of Deadly Power 14 14 451
Shattered Mirror Shielding -1 55
Reflective Field (Extended) 126 39 624 497 sol
Reflective Field 126 39 620 481 sol
Reactive Resonance Field -1 1
Reactive Resonance Field -1 1
Reactive Reflective Field (Extended) 142 44 689 585 sol
Reactive Reflective Field 142 44 683 577 sol
Reactive Harmonic Cocoon 179 55 824 824 eng
Reactive Deflection Shield (Extended) 83 26 408 319 sol
Reactive Deflection Shield 76 24 378 301 sol
Pre-Nullity Field -1 1
Pre-Nullity Field -1 1
Partial Reflective Field (Extended) 99 31 497 369 sol
Partial Reflective Field 96 30 479 359 sol
Partial Harmonic Cocoon 30 10 148 148 eng
Partial Deflection Shield (Extended) 7 3 46 36 sol
Partial Deflection Shield 1 1 6 5 sol
Nanobot Shelter -1 40 nan
Nanobot Shelter 126 4 598 598 nan
Nanobot Aegis 215 50 nan
Minor Reflective Field (Extended) 119 37 597 430 sol
Minor Reflective Field 113 35 571 414 sol
Minor Harmonic Cocoon 66 21 311 311 eng
Minor Deflection Shield (Extended) 17 6 95 74 sol
Minor Deflection Shield 14 5 74 59 sol
Major Reflective Field (Extended) 139 43 664 565 sol
Major Reflective Field 136 42 648 555 sol
Major Deflection Shield (Extended) 70 22 345 272 sol
Major Deflection Shield 63 20 321 251 sol
Lesser Reflective Field (Extended) 123 38 613 457 sol
Lesser Reflective Field 123 38 610 446 sol
Lesser Harmonic Cocoon 96 30 448 448 eng
Lesser Deflection Shield (Extended) 30 10 153 123 sol
Lesser Deflection Shield 24 8 123 96 sol
Kyr'Ozch Reflect Shiled Neutralizer -1 1
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