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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Gallant Hero: The Enraged Drone 30 3 189 165 189 bur
Gallant Hero: The Indignant Flunky 92 9 563 522 563 bur
Gallant Hero: The Infuriated Minion 52 5 305 278 305 bur
Gallant Hero: The Irate Attache 152 15 887 813 887 bur
Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf 80 7 490 490 435 bur
Gallant Slave: The Angry Drudge 110 11 760 760 700 bur
Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal 170 13 910 910 825 bur
Gallant Slave: The Enraged Slave 30 3 205 205 165 bur
Gallant Slave: The Indignant Peon 100 9 620 620 570 bur
Gallant Slave: The Infuriated Thrall 50 5 390 390 305 bur
Gallant Slave: The Irate Chattel 135 15 975 975 890 bur
Gear Mission Reminder -1 1
Gender Swap: Female -1 7 93 107 83 age
Get back in shape -1 1
Gift of the Immortal 390 1 167
Give Energy: 10 7 3 44 44 mar
Give Energy: 25 14 5 75 75 mar
Give Energy: 50 27 9 134 134 mar
Give Life: 10 7 3 39 39 mar
Give Life: 25 14 5 70 70 mar
Give Life: 50 27 9 130 130 mar
Greater Encourage Regrowth -1 0
Greater Heal -1 0
Greater Healing Touch -1 0
Greater Health Funnel 33 11 155 179 tra
Greater Quick Heal 43 14 196 220 adv
Greater Restore Essence -1 0
Greater Team Healing Touch -1 0
Greater Team Healing Touch -1 0
Greater Team Quick Heal -1 0
Greater Team Restore Essence -1 0
Greater Team Restore Essence -1 0
Grove Curator Blessing -1 1
Grove Custodian Blessing -1 1
Grove Guardian Blessing -1 1
Grove Warden Blessing -1 1
Hacked Diagnosis 37 6 204 149 149 fix
Heal -1 0
Healing 4 2 36 31
Healing Aura -1 0
Healing Care -1 1
Healing Herbs -1 1
Healing Meditation -1 1 599 599 mar
Healing Rays of Sunrise -1 0
Healing Touch -1 0
Healing Touch 43 14 216 216 mar
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 11
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 2
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 1
Healing Touch of the Redeemed -1 4
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