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Item Database - Search Results

Nano formulas
Double Cover 44 8 259 235 sha
Douse Anger 14 5 79 66 met
Draconic Constitution -1 1
Draculeet Costume -1 2
Dragon Scales -1 1
Dragon Scales 125 5 400 400 adv
Draw Attention 14 5 83 sol
Dreams of the Deranged -1 15
Dual Defender 14 4 96 82 sha
Dummy Nano #2 2 4
Dummy Nano #3 3 4
Edge of Steel 8 2 49 49 enf
Edge of the Barber 30 8 156 156 enf
Edge of the Buccaneer 59 15 295 295 enf
Ego Pummel 14 5 75
Ego Taunt 4 2 31 sol
Electrical Engineering Expertise 10 4 61 61
Electrical Engineering Proficiency 4 2 31 31
Elementary Combat Booster 1 1 3 3
Elfleet Helper 1 4 11 11
Elusive Spirit -1 1
Elusive Target 37 12 184 184 mar
Embrace of Shadows 27 9 134 134 fix
Energy Melee Expertise 10 4 61 61
Energy Melee Incompetence 4 2 31 31
Energy Melee Inexperience 10 4 61 61
Energy Melee Proficiency 4 2 31 31
Engrossing Activity 47 15 208 233 208 met
Enhanced First Aid 14 5 74 61 doc
Enhanced Gravity Shift - Allow -1 1
Enhanced Senses 27 9 134 134 age
Enigma Glade Guardian 1 4 11 11
Enmity 30 10 155
Enough is Enough -1 1
Enraged Mind 30 10 151 sol
Envy of the Xan Fullauto Buff -1 0
Eschew the Faithless -1 1
Eternal Night -1 12
Eye of the Tigress 50 8 514 514 met
Fake Out 47 9 274 274 mar
False Redemption: Hai-Tempterus -1 2
False Redemption: Silvertail -1 2
Fast Attack Expertise 10 4 66 66
Fast Attack Incompetence 14 5 70 70
Fast Attack Inexperience 7 3 39 39
Fast Attack Proficiency 4 2 35 35
Favor -1 1
Fearsome Shout 37 12 174 174 enf
Feline Ferocity -1 1
Feline Ferocity 125 5 400 400 adv
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