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Item Database - Search Results

Perk Expansion Prof Level Stamina
Mountaineer SL Soldier, Fixer, Agent, Adventurer, Enforcer, Keeper 4 8
Mountaineer SL Soldier, Fixer, Agent, Adventurer, Enforcer, Keeper 3 7
Enhance DNA SL All 10 6
Nano formulas
Essence of Might 24 8 115 115 enf 8
Nano Can: Essence of Might -1 8 8
Augment Stamina 4 2 25 22 6
Name Type Damage QL Stamina
Concrete Cushion Melee 1 - 11 (17) 10 8
Concrete Cushion Melee 1 - 49 (145) 159 8
Dim Black Staff of the Swelling Heart Melee 50 - 750 (250) 200 8
Howling Bow of Ferocious Appetite Ranged 85 - 450 (600) 200 8
OT-Windchaser M06 Quartz Ranged 5 - 29 (21) 22 8
OT-Windchaser M06 Quartz Ranged 5 - 32 (22) 25 8
Dim Black Staff of the Solid Stomach Melee 40 - 572 (193) 150 6
Dim Black Staff of the Solid Stomach Melee 50 - 746 (249) 199 6
Name Slot(s) QL Stamina
Enhanced Safeguarded NCU Memory Unit Deck 1, Deck 2, Deck 3, De ... 200 6
Name Slot(s) QL Stamina
Chosen Adventurer Body Armor Body 220 8
Faithful Adventurer Body Armor Body 220 8
I am the Bear Right finger, Left finger 200 8
Improved Infused Dust Brigade Bracer - Tier 3 Right wrist 250 8
Ljotur Pants of Cornucopia Legs 200 8
Luxurious Rubber Shirt Body 200 8
Pure Novictum Ring for the Artillery Unit Right finger 1 8
Pure Novictum Ring for the Infantry Unit Right finger 1 8
Second Tier Adventurer Body Armor Body 220 8
Shoulder Marking of Auraka Left shoulder 150 8
Atrox Primary Genome 1 7
Bag of Exchange Back 100 7
Bulwark of the Eight Back 1 7
Bulwark of the Eight Back 220 7
Platinum Filigree Ring set with a Perfectly Cut Red beryl Right finger, Left finger 400 7
Sanguine Ring for the Artillery Unit Right finger 1 7
Sanguine Ring for the Infantry Unit Right finger 1 7
Solitus Primary Genome 1 7
Atrox Primary Genome 1 6
Boots of the Eight Feet 1 6
Boots of the Eight Feet 220 6
Chosen Agent Body Armor Body 220 6
Chosen Doctor Body Body 220 6
Chosen Nano Technician Body Armor Body 220 6
Chosen Trader Body Armor Body 220 6
Clan Ring of Salvation Right finger, Left finger 200 6
Cuirass of the Eight Body 1 6
Cuirass of the Eight Body 220 6
Faithful Agent Body Armor Body 220 6
Faithful Doctor Body Body 220 6
Faithful Nano Technician Body Armor Body 220 6
Faithful Trader Body Armor Body 220 6
Gauntlets of the Eight Hands 1 6
Gauntlets of the Eight Hands 220 6
Improved Infused Dust Brigade Bracer - Tier 2 Right wrist 250 6
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