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Item Database - Search Results

Perk Expansion Prof Level Treatment
Assault Force Medic SL Doctor 7 5
Assault Force Medic SL Doctor 8 5
Combat Knowledge AI All 5 5
Nano Surgeon SL Doctor 1 5
Assault Force Medic SL Doctor 5 4
Assault Force Medic SL Doctor 6 4
Combat Knowledge AI All 4 4
Name Type Damage QL Treatment
Inert Reaper of Time Melee 1 - 50 (0) 1 5
Name Slot(s) QL Treatment
Spiritech Medical Analyzer Hud 1, Hud 2, Hud 3, Utils ... 250 6
The Key to Ocra's Sanctuary Hud 1 1 6
The Key to Roch's Sanctuary Hud 1 1 6
The Key to the Garden of Ocra Hud 1 1 6
The Key to the Garden of Roch Hud 1 1 6
Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU Deck 1, Deck 2, Deck 3, De ... 160 5
Name Slot(s) QL Treatment
Preserved Colonist Boots Feet 200 6
Silencer's Boots Feet 1 6
Silencer's Boots Feet 200 6
Stripped Silencer's Boots Feet 1 6
Stripped Silencer's Boots Feet 220 6
Subspace Meta-Cerebellum Pocket Head 250 6
Subspace Pocket Head 250 6
Subspace Storage Device Head 250 6
Two-Dimensional Hole Head 250 6
Zenith Commando Boots Feet 1 6
Zenith Commando Boots Feet 200 6
Average Gloves Hands 100 5
Captain Anarchy Turbo Boots Feet 1 5
Captain Anarchy Turbo Boots Feet 200 5
Dust Brigade Tech Unit Helmet Head 200 5
Frontline Surveyor Protective Suit Back 25 5
Growing Lilac Helmet Head 1 5
Guardian Conductor of Juggling Right wrist 250 5
Rimy Ring for the Support Unit Right finger 1 5
Second Tier Adventurer Gloves Hands 160 5
Stalker Helmet Head 100 5
Sun Ring of Eckel Roch Right finger, Left finger 100 5
Thin Shoulder Pad of Cama Thar Right shoulder, Left shoulder 175 5
Thin Shoulder Pad of Urga Van Right shoulder, Left shoulder 175 5
Wondrous Gold Ring of Ocra Lux Right finger, Left finger 100 5
Cloak of the Reanimated Healer (1/5) Back 100 4
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