18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Character Database

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Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
701 Rightious Keeper Atrox Neuter 178 8 Omni 1 No guild No rank
702 Daftz Keeper Atrox Neuter 178 7 Omni 1 Ragnarok Unit Member
703 Snoopys Keeper Atrox Neuter 178 3 Omni 1 DreamHunters Member
704 Aphexx Keeper Atrox Neuter 177 23 Omni 1 Oo Aggressive Angels oO Squad Commander
705 Thorandur Keeper Atrox Neuter 177 19 Omni 1 First Order Applicant
706 Tasselhoff Keeper Atrox Neuter 177 13 Omni 2 Sacred Hunters Unit Member
707 Qkeepsafe Keeper Atrox Neuter 177 5 Omni 2 BBQ LEETS Inc Unit Leader
708 Smallbrawl Keeper Atrox Neuter 177 0 Omni 1 Molotoff C0cktail Applicant
709 Spacemaster Keeper Atrox Neuter 176 18 Omni 1 Red Alert [RPA] Applicant
710 Killerfield Keeper Atrox Neuter 176 13 Omni 1 Hell on Earth Unit Commander
711 Auraofdeath Keeper Atrox Neuter 176 11 Omni 2 Peace in Death Applicant
712 Xxshoxx Keeper Atrox Neuter 176 7 Omni 2 The Loony Bin Unit Commander
713 Windell Keeper Atrox Neuter 176 0 Omni 1 Nightmare Member
714 Yahweh Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 19 Omni 2 Ring of Fury Applicant
715 Truepower Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 18 Omni 1 Alien Beach Party Applicant
716 Zevony Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 13 Omni 1 Dawn of War Squad Commander
717 Denka Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 8 Omni 2 No guild No rank
718 Oaroras Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 7 Omni 1 Hells Heroes Applicant
719 Graa Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 5 Omni 1 No guild No rank
720 Keepeek Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 2 Omni 1 Obsidian Order Applicant
721 Ebagkeep Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 0 Omni 2 Phoenix Lounge, Inc. Applicant
722 Rahxephon Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
723 Yelowhut Keeper Atrox Neuter 175 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
724 Deumos Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 19 Omni 1 Insomniacs Inc. General
725 Duskfall Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
726 Keeprhax Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 15 Omni 2 The Loony Bin Unit Commander
727 Mikedabit Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 15 Omni 1 Dark Side Applicant
728 Roush Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 15 Omni 1 No guild No rank
729 Kotemi Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 14 Omni 1 KAZE Applicant
730 Unclekeepzor Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 14 Omni 1 No guild No rank
731 Livingmetal Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 12 Omni 2 Personal Decay Applicant
732 Sirmao Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 12 Omni 1 No guild No rank
733 Corepush Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 11 Omni 1 Primal Evolution Squad Commander
734 Jartex Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 11 Omni 2 Dark Ones Applicant
735 Eldabar Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 10 Omni 2 No guild No rank
736 Keeperia Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 8 Omni 1 No guild No rank
737 Ellarish-1 Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 7 Omni 2 Project EDEN Unit Member
738 Nrax Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 7 Omni 1 Ragnarok Unit Member
739 Galliard Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 6 Omni 1 SEMPER FIDELIS Unit Member
740 Wallblade Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 6 Omni 1 No guild No rank
741 Keepdae Keeper Atrox Neuter 174 5 Omni 1 No guild No rank
742 Tippymoocow Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 19 Omni 2 Skorah Squad Commander
743 Galatae1671 Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 13 Omni 1 Anarchy's Child General
744 Leialtor Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 13 Omni 1 Newcomers Alliance Applicant
745 Dyumovochka Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 11 Omni 1 Molotoff C0cktail Applicant
746 Harrogath Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 11 Omni 1 Anarchy's Child Applicant
747 Menageatrois Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 10 Omni 2 Juppongatana Squad Commander
748 Svartekeep Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 7 Omni 2 Valhall Guardians Unit Member
749 Zanpaku Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 5 Omni 1 Hells Heroes Unit Member
750 Naranek Keeper Atrox Neuter 173 4 Omni 1 No guild No rank
751 Bloodsun Keeper Atrox Neuter 172 11 Omni 1 No guild No rank
752 Vernkeeper Keeper Atrox Neuter 172 11 Omni 1 Primal Evolution Unit Commander
753 Acrelik Keeper Atrox Neuter 172 8 Omni 2 No guild No rank
754 Hellionblade Keeper Atrox Neuter 172 7 Omni 2 No guild No rank
755 Supahdoopah Keeper Atrox Neuter 172 6 Omni 2 Unity Squad Commander
756 Elvis Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 22 Omni 2 Elements of Destruction Unit Member
757 Zuin Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 17 Omni 1 The Soul Society Unit Leader
758 Wiken1 Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 12 Omni 1 Orbitek Applicant
759 Eliff Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 11 Omni 2 No guild No rank
760 Taskekeeper Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 11 Omni 1 No guild No rank
761 Valliantone Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 11 Omni 2 The Dark Order of Chaos Unit Member
762 Ghengiskahn Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 10 Omni 2 BBQ LEETS Inc Unit Leader
763 Onniloui-1 Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 8 Omni 2 No guild No rank
764 Sharek Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 7 Omni 2 Jin-Roh Applicant
765 Xooman Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 6 Omni 1 The Firm Unit Member
766 Bazzack Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 5 Omni 2 No guild No rank
767 Mightythorr Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 2 Omni 1 No guild No rank
768 Trucklegs Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 1 Omni 1 No guild No rank
769 Berengard-1 Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 0 Omni 2 Omni-Pol Elite-Gimps Applicant
770 Keeperofevil Keeper Atrox Neuter 171 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
771 Noizejunk Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 20 Omni 1 Vae Victus Applicant
772 Xbox360 Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 18 Omni 1 Sorry about your Tower Applicant
773 Guthrum Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 17 Omni 2 Dark Ones Member
774 Zerberus Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 16 Omni 1 No guild No rank
775 Lordlvanth Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 13 Omni 1 MercenarieS Member
776 Keepon Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 12 Omni 1 OT-RP Unit Commander
777 Letac Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 11 Omni 1 Hells Heroes Unit Member
778 Loffer Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 11 Omni 1 No guild No rank
779 Leetykeep Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 10 Omni 2 Unity Applicant
780 Growlotass Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 9 Omni 2 Dark Ones Applicant
781 Sobeks Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 9 Omni 1 My Only Brothers General
782 Tasrilrad Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 8 Omni 1 Shadow Company Applicant
783 Duchowow Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 7 Omni 2 Omlety Applicant
784 Drakhe Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 5 Omni 1 No guild No rank
785 Baldarov Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 4 Omni 2 No guild No rank
786 Kerriame-1 Keeper Atrox Neuter 170 0 Omni 1 14K Triad Applicant
787 Kpmortis Keeper Atrox Neuter 169 13 Omni 1 No guild No rank
788 Nimann Keeper Atrox Neuter 169 7 Omni 1 No guild No rank
789 Behexn Keeper Atrox Neuter 169 6 Omni 1 Transcendence Applicant
790 Janiculus Keeper Atrox Neuter 169 2 Omni 1 No guild No rank
791 Altskeeper Keeper Atrox Neuter 168 10 Omni 1 Circle of Notum Applicant
792 Suubzero Keeper Atrox Neuter 168 10 Omni 1 No guild No rank
793 Aronen Keeper Atrox Neuter 168 8 Omni 1 Ragnarok Applicant
794 Ironchest Keeper Atrox Neuter 168 7 Omni 1 No guild No rank
795 Kittyballz Keeper Atrox Neuter 168 1 Omni 1 BAD COMPANY Applicant
796 Bloodsplash Keeper Atrox Neuter 168 0 Omni 1 MASC Unit Commander
797 Gavno Keeper Atrox Neuter 168 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
798 Zadeyus Keeper Atrox Neuter 167 20 Omni 2 The Pain Dealers Applicant
799 Vanprice Keeper Atrox Neuter 167 19 Omni 2 No guild No rank
800 Keepkiller Keeper Atrox Neuter 167 15 Omni 1 No guild No rank
