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Character Database

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Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
1001 Beastie Adventurer Atrox Neuter 93 0 Omni 2 Scandinavian Squad Board Member
1002 Mattyaddy Adventurer Atrox Neuter 93 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1003 Haniballl Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 7 Omni 2 Stargate Applicant
1004 Wolverine7 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 5 Omni 2 The Dark Order of Chaos Unit Member
1005 Kupos Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 4 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1006 Albertabee-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 3 Omni 2 Dark Ones Applicant
1007 Drannik Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1008 Ionric Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1009 Lolexclock Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1010 Magekadvya Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1011 Olyssius Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 0 Omni 1 Company AFK Peasant
1012 Plutin Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1013 Turgha Adventurer Atrox Neuter 92 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1014 Gimpy Adventurer Atrox Neuter 91 4 Omni 1 Hai2u Applicant
1015 Makikaki Adventurer Atrox Neuter 91 2 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1016 Aroxs Adventurer Atrox Neuter 91 0 Omni 1 Mayhem Unit Member
1017 Chirpz Adventurer Atrox Neuter 91 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1018 Ehhar Adventurer Atrox Neuter 91 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1019 Konkari2 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 91 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1020 Softista Adventurer Atrox Neuter 91 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1021 Warmonger69 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 91 0 Omni 2 Young Bloods Board Member
1022 Advypro13 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 90 4 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1023 Crazyrox Adventurer Atrox Neuter 90 4 Omni 2 The Dark Order of Chaos Unit Member
1024 Jasonadv Adventurer Atrox Neuter 90 3 Omni 2 The Leviathan Movement General
1025 Last86 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 90 2 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1026 Adwtrox Adventurer Atrox Neuter 90 0 Omni 1 Council of Sagitas Unit Member
1027 Peacekiller Adventurer Atrox Neuter 90 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1028 Pros Adventurer Atrox Neuter 89 2 Omni 2 Ring of Destruction Applicant
1029 Lollipopps Adventurer Atrox Neuter 89 0 Omni 2 Valhall Guardians Applicant
1030 Mooshie Adventurer Atrox Neuter 89 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1031 Truk Adventurer Atrox Neuter 89 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1032 What4-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 89 0 Omni 1 MANTICORE Applicant
1033 Zrax Adventurer Atrox Neuter 89 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1034 Saantaa Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 9 Omni 1 UberFranco Squad Commander
1035 Chipesech Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 5 Omni 1 [Come Get Some] Applicant
1036 Hurnoant Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 5 Omni 1 R.U.R. Applicant
1037 Destoroyah Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 3 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
1038 Pwnner Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 3 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1039 Notumclaw Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 2 Omni 1 Transcendence Applicant
1040 Derp Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 0 Omni 2 Denizens of R'lyeh Applicant
1041 Mashadhar Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 0 Omni 1 Ab aeterno animus liberi Unit Member
1042 Noobspack Adventurer Atrox Neuter 88 0 Omni 2 Pack of Noobs Applicant
1043 Mobo Adventurer Atrox Neuter 87 7 Omni 1 Newcomers Alliance Unit Member
1044 Digitaladvy Adventurer Atrox Neuter 87 4 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1045 Majo-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 87 4 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1046 Glaxatron Adventurer Atrox Neuter 87 2 Omni 1 Shadow Company Applicant
1047 Bolejonas-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 87 0 Omni 1 Illuminati Applicant
1048 Macelber Adventurer Atrox Neuter 87 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1049 Mobboss Adventurer Atrox Neuter 87 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1050 Solostalker Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 6 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1051 Hillincio Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 2 Omni 2 GFYS Unit Member
1052 Atroventurer Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 0 Omni 2 Initiates of Omni Tek Applicant
1053 Bertilak-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 0 Omni 2 Rome Blue Mechdogz Applicant
1054 Blackpaw-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 0 Omni 2 Seventh Sanctum Applicant
1055 Dudebob Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1056 Fashulkhan Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 0 Omni 1 Link Peasant
1057 Muttcuts Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 0 Omni 1 Fat Jaws Badness General
1058 Rollerloth Adventurer Atrox Neuter 86 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1059 Mospetto Adventurer Atrox Neuter 85 4 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1060 Balgorg Adventurer Atrox Neuter 85 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1061 Ffahrd-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 85 0 Omni 2 Personal Decay Applicant
1062 Ralpff Adventurer Atrox Neuter 85 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1063 Advyadvy Adventurer Atrox Neuter 84 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1064 Ahoernchen Adventurer Atrox Neuter 84 0 Omni 1 Legionnaires Unit Leader
1065 Greenwarp Adventurer Atrox Neuter 84 0 Omni 2 Nostromo II Applicant
1066 Witag Adventurer Atrox Neuter 84 0 Omni 2 Ring of Fury Applicant
1067 Advo Adventurer Atrox Neuter 83 2 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1068 Vakant Adventurer Atrox Neuter 83 2 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1069 Dathrone-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 83 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1070 Hybridleto Adventurer Atrox Neuter 83 0 Omni 1 Leto's Hideout Anarchist
1071 Scorpiad Adventurer Atrox Neuter 83 0 Omni 2 Pack of Noobs Applicant
1072 Crocdunnmarv Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 8 Omni 2 Core Unit Member
1073 Maxitom Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 2 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1074 Sunbeam Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 1 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1075 Gorothian-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 0 Omni 2 The Collective Anarchist
1076 Hoenefar Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 0 Omni 1 Sanitarium Advisor
1077 Load Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1078 Paugi-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 0 Omni 1 Section 8 fr00bs Applicant
1079 Scyzoryk Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 0 Omni 1 Dead Can Dance Peasant
1080 Uglywolf Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1081 Venathron Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1082 Yuan888 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 82 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1083 Lerk Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 7 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1084 Banner-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1085 Blastbeatz Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1086 Darkaos Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1087 Monste2 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 0 Omni 2 S1NGLE Peasant
1088 Sotatonttu Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1089 Tech Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 0 Omni 1 Legacy of Madness Squad Commander
1090 Traccer Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
1091 Uglytrox1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 81 0 Omni 1 Dark Side Unit Commander
1092 Rotteweiler Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 7 Omni 1 Better Than The Beatles General
1093 Kingkong321 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 2 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1094 Pimpleet Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 2 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1095 Ryltarl-1 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 2 Omni 2 Unity Applicant
1096 Battlesword Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
1097 Gormaxx Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 0 Omni 2 Paradox Inc. Applicant
1098 Helscream421 Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 0 Omni 1 OT-RP Applicant
1099 Highfiver Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 0 Omni 1 Black Dawn Unit Member
1100 Muuurki Adventurer Atrox Neuter 80 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
