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Character Database - Kakabot

Dimension Rimor Character face
Level 47
AI Level None (0)
Breed Opifex
Gender Male
Profession Martial Artist
Faction Omni
Guild Riders of the Storm
Rank Squad Commander
Leveling graph
Last update: 2012 Aug 21 - Last change: 2010 Jan 24
Character history
Date Level AI Faction Guild
2010-01-24470OmniRiders of the StormSquad Commander
2008-07-04470OmniRiders of the StormSquad Commander
2008-07-03450OmniRiders of the StormSquad Commander
2006-11-25430OmniRiders of the StormSquad Commander
2005-03-22430OmniPale RidersUnit Commander
2005-03-14430OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-13420OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-11390OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-10380OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-09310OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-07300OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-06270OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-05200OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-03130OmniPale RidersGeneral
2005-03-02130OmniPale RidersApplicant
Kakabot in other dimensions Atlantean - Rimor - Die Neue Welt