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Character Database - Solup

Dimension Atlantean Character face
Level 220
AI Level Vindicator (30)
Breed Solitus
Gender Male
Profession Soldier
Faction Omni
Guild Warriors of Asgaard
Rank Applicant
Leveling graph
Last update: 2012 Aug 21 - Last change: 2011 Dec 11
Character history
Date Level AI Faction Guild
2011-12-1122030OmniWarriors of AsgaardApplicant
2011-08-2622030OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
2011-08-1622030OmniAch sie suchen StreitSquad Commander
2011-07-2622029OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
2011-06-2622028OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
2011-04-2122027OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
2011-03-1122026OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
2011-02-0122025OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
2011-01-2122024OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
2011-01-1122023OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
2011-01-0122023OmniLight of Darkness 2011Squad Commander
2010-11-0722022OmniBad to the BoneSquad Commander
Solup in other dimensions Atlantean - Rimor - Die Neue Welt