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Character Database - Sicklock

Dimension Atlantean Character face
Level 148
AI Level None (0)
Breed Atrox
Gender Neuter
Profession Soldier
Faction Omni
Guild Lords and Ladies of Anarchy
Rank Applicant
Leveling graph
Last update: 2012 Aug 21 - Last change: 2010 Aug 20
Character history
Date Level AI Faction Guild
2010-08-201480OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2010-08-131480OmniBubble Bath SuicideApplicant
2009-08-161480OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-08-101480OmniChaos and Confusion of AnarchyApplicant
2009-03-141480OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-03-061480OmniUnruly Boozers and ResearchedApplicant
2009-02-251480OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-02-171480OmniUnited Boozehounds AssociationApplicant
2009-02-111480OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-02-101400OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-02-091370OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-02-081320OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-02-071280OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-02-051210OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-02-041110OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-01-31930OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-01-19890OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
2009-01-18770OmniLords and Ladies of AnarchyApplicant
Sicklock in other dimensions Atlantean - Rimor - Die Neue Welt