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Character Database - Mrdamnfo

Look "Mrdamnfo" Whooowh
Dimension Atlantean Character face
Level 139
AI Level None (0)
Breed Atrox
Gender Neuter
Profession Enforcer
Faction Clan
Guild Kings of the Damned
Rank Squad Commander
Leveling graph
Last update: 2012 Aug 21 - Last change: 2012 Aug 06
Character history
Date Level AI Faction Guild
2012-08-061390ClanKings of the DamnedSquad Commander
2011-12-111320ClanKings of the DamnedSquad Commander
2011-10-011200ClanKings of the DamnedSquad Commander
2011-09-261170ClanKings of the DamnedSquad Commander
2011-09-21430ClanKings of the DamnedSquad Commander
2011-09-16120ClanKings of the DamnedSquad Commander
Mrdamnfo in other dimensions Atlantean - Rimor - Die Neue Welt