18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Character Database - Morpheuus

Tod "Morpheuus" Ganes
Dimension Atlantean Character face
Level 89
AI Level None (0)
Breed Solitus
Gender Male
Profession Adventurer
Faction Clan
Guild AO 101.1 All Chat all the time
Rank General
Leveling graph
Last update: 2012 Aug 21 - Last change: 2011 Dec 11
Character history
Date Level AI Faction Guild
2011-12-11890ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2011-10-11880ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2006-09-10870ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2006-09-06860ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2006-09-05850ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2006-09-02840ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2006-09-01830ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2006-08-27820ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2005-06-03810ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2005-03-25800ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2005-03-20790ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2005-03-09780ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2005-03-06770ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2005-02-23760ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeGeneral
2005-02-22750ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2005-02-21730ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2005-02-16720ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2005-02-15710ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2005-02-06700ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2005-01-07690ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2004-12-2369ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2004-12-2168ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2004-12-1366ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2004-12-1065ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2004-11-3064ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2004-11-2863ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2003-11-1762ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeApplicant
2003-08-0162ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the timeSquad Commander
2002-12-2162ClanAO 1011 All Chat all the timeSquad Commander
2002-11-1262ClanAO 1011 All Chat all the time
2002-10-1961ClanAO 1011 All Chat all the time
2002-10-1160ClanAO 1011 All Chat all the time
2002-09-1051ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
2002-08-1947ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
2002-08-0538ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
2002-07-2426ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
2002-07-1520ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
2002-07-0215ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
2002-06-198ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
2002-06-045ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
2002-06-034ClanAO 101.1 All Chat all the time
Morpheuus in other dimensions Atlantean - Rimor - Die Neue Welt