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Character Database

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Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
201 Healinfreak Doctor Solitus Male 220 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
202 Sensiistar Nano-Technician Atrox Neuter 220 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
203 Yaska Bureaucrat Opifex Female 219 21 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
204 Neoenfo Enforcer Atrox Neuter 219 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
205 Lanthanu57 Soldier Solitus Male 219 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
206 Adeptskill Engineer Solitus Male 218 23 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
207 Erisha Enforcer Solitus Female 218 22 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
208 Upcider Bureaucrat Solitus Male 218 21 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
209 Soldiernet Soldier Atrox Neuter 218 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
210 Carlac Soldier Solitus Male 218 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
211 Eveliina Adventurer Solitus Female 218 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
212 Dredster Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 218 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
213 Bbar Martial Artist Opifex Male 217 30 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Squad Commander
214 Wrangleurnek Trader Opifex Male 217 25 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
215 Nomadh Shade Atrox Neuter 217 22 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
216 Rheed Trader Solitus Male 217 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
217 Zambie Adventurer Solitus Male 217 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
218 Guidosarduci Meta-Physicist Nano Male 217 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
219 Chibits Trader Solitus Female 217 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
220 Karatecop Martial Artist Solitus Male 216 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
221 Bobthemp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 216 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
222 Encio Martial Artist Opifex Male 216 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
223 Legacyshade Shade Opifex Female 216 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
224 Uropium Engineer Solitus Male 216 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
225 Tantrumzero Enforcer Atrox Neuter 216 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
226 Yasyal Adventurer Solitus Female 216 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
227 Baroco Adventurer Solitus Male 216 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
228 Canibaal Enforcer Atrox Neuter 215 30 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Squad Commander
229 Maxflier Agent Solitus Male 215 30 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
230 Damaskino Shade Opifex Male 215 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
231 Nemeric Bureaucrat Solitus Male 215 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
232 Speedatrox Fixer Atrox Neuter 215 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
233 Javelion Meta-Physicist Nano Male 215 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
234 Delivio Shade Opifex Female 215 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
235 Whoopz Shade Opifex Female 214 21 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
236 Buddyluv Enforcer Atrox Neuter 214 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
237 Xpforjoo Bureaucrat Nano Male 214 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
238 Chienne Martial Artist Opifex Female 214 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
239 Sparko Bureaucrat Solitus Male 214 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
240 Xayer Keeper Atrox Neuter 214 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
241 Kinah Doctor Solitus Female 214 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
242 Tysecave Soldier Atrox Neuter 213 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
243 Rentrader Trader Solitus Male 213 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
244 Zhinz Fixer Atrox Neuter 212 21 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
245 Onyl Meta-Physicist Solitus Male 212 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
246 Stargrove17 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 212 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
247 Fopus Agent Opifex Male 212 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
248 Voidman Fixer Opifex Male 212 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
249 Fellonie Doctor Solitus Female 212 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
250 Ischta Trader Solitus Male 212 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
251 Iellas Agent Opifex Female 211 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
252 Uccello Doctor Solitus Female 210 24 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
253 Neglected Shade Opifex Male 210 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
254 Globar Trader Solitus Male 209 30 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
255 Wifebeater Shade Opifex Male 209 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
256 Aretmetik Doctor Solitus Male 208 25 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
257 Mechwarriorx Engineer Nano Male 208 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
258 Drhotness Doctor Solitus Male 208 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
259 Fixidixi Fixer Opifex Male 208 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
260 Princip Soldier Solitus Male 207 20 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
261 Chemysicist Meta-Physicist Nano Male 207 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
262 Ntra Nano-Technician Nano Male 207 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
263 Rendocc Doctor Opifex Male 207 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
264 Gloomndoom Meta-Physicist Opifex Male 206 22 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
265 Kansho Martial Artist Opifex Female 206 17 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
266 Cruciblex Agent Opifex Male 206 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
267 Healthful Adventurer Atrox Neuter 205 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
268 Ayan98 Martial Artist Opifex Male 205 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
269 Warna Doctor Nano Male 205 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
270 Epicfailguy Bureaucrat Solitus Male 205 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
271 Arogonath Doctor Solitus Male 204 10 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
272 Cmuphy Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 6 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
273 Leonr1 Bureaucrat Nano Male 203 5 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
274 Remkaht-1 Nano-Technician Nano Male 202 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
275 Therioness Adventurer Solitus Female 202 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
276 Boomcrat Bureaucrat Solitus Male 202 11 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
277 Daredren Martial Artist Solitus Male 201 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
278 Atrosol Soldier Atrox Neuter 201 14 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
279 Aridraidengi Engineer Solitus Male 201 13 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
280 Broncosmp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 201 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
281 Tisil Martial Artist Solitus Female 201 9 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
282 Aquaa Fixer Opifex Female 201 4 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
283 Greenscorpio Trader Solitus Male 200 30 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
284 Suzilo Engineer Nano Female 200 28 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
285 Protexxor Enforcer Atrox Neuter 200 26 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
286 Adeptnukes Nano-Technician Nano Male 200 25 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
287 Adeptfix Fixer Opifex Male 200 22 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
288 Zooking Keeper Atrox Neuter 200 21 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Squad Commander
289 Tawret Fixer Opifex Female 200 19 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
290 Slayerdroid5 Engineer Solitus Male 200 18 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
291 Gunwind Trader Opifex Female 200 16 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
292 Crackyou Martial Artist Opifex Male 200 15 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
293 Chemitech Nano-Technician Solitus Male 200 12 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
294 Chemiforcer Enforcer Atrox Neuter 200 8 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
295 Ariiddoc Doctor Solitus Female 200 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
296 Katzeye Martial Artist Solitus Female 200 7 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
297 Hydral Meta-Physicist Nano Male 200 1 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
298 Aintm Enforcer Atrox Neuter 200 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Squad Commander
299 Fixxaman Fixer Opifex Male 200 0 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Unit Member
300 Ionika Doctor Solitus Female 199 21 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
