18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Character Database

Database query
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Person: Level: ..
Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
1001 Horosbank Trader Atrox Neuter 10 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1002 Trbraffle Fixer Solitus Female 10 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1003 Chaosaimz Agent Atrox Neuter 9 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1004 Blakfr00 Martial Artist Atrox Neuter 9 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1005 Spazzie Meta-Physicist Nano Female 9 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1006 Loganfx Fixer Opifex Male 8 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1007 Onubomb Nano-Technician Atrox Neuter 8 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1008 Visioneer Meta-Physicist Opifex Female 7 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1009 Yxes Adventurer Solitus Female 7 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1010 Celtire Keeper Solitus Male 7 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1011 Tweetyy Martial Artist Solitus Female 7 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1012 Krollus Doctor Solitus Male 6 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1013 Smirrr Meta-Physicist Nano Male 6 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Applicant
1014 Scrubs911 Doctor Solitus Female 6 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1015 Blakflagg Enforcer Atrox Neuter 5 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1016 Flyinglauchi Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 5 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1017 Lauchikick Trader Solitus Female 5 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1018 Merthes Enforcer Atrox Neuter 5 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1019 Reshfix Fixer Opifex Male 5 1 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1020 Fanas1 Fixer Opifex Male 5 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1021 Gankenstein Soldier Opifex Male 5 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1022 Impminx Doctor Solitus Female 5 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1023 Krolluz Keeper Solitus Male 5 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1024 Lauchisbank Trader Solitus Female 3 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1025 Ninemule1 Engineer Solitus Male 3 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Applicant
1026 Ummm Martial Artist Nano Female 3 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1027 Bloodbank Fixer Solitus Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1028 Deedeebank Fixer Solitus Male 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1029 Elegantdeath Shade Opifex Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1030 Horoapf Agent Opifex Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Leader
1031 Horoarmory Enforcer Atrox Neuter 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1032 Horonanoshop Meta-Physicist Nano Male 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1033 Horopattern Engineer Nano Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1034 Horosymbs Trader Solitus Male 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1035 Horoweaponry Soldier Atrox Neuter 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1036 Implauchi Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1037 Misclauchi Nano-Technician Nano Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1038 Nanominx Nano-Technician Nano Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1039 Oppbank Adventurer Solitus Male 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1040 Pblauchi Martial Artist Opifex Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1041 Rkminx Trader Solitus Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1042 Slam2 Adventurer Solitus Male 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1043 Slminx Fixer Opifex Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1044 Trbbot Adventurer Solitus Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Squad Commander
1045 Trbcomm Agent Solitus Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1046 Trbraid Agent Solitus Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Squad Commander
1047 Trbtwinker Enforcer Atrox Neuter 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1048 Twinklauchi Doctor Solitus Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1049 Twinkminx Enforcer Atrox Neuter 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1050 Vrasmule Nano-Technician Solitus Female 2 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1051 Dracolio2 Agent Opifex Male 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1052 Irstrong Trader Nano Male 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1053 Irstronger Adventurer Atrox Neuter 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1054 Lauchisraid Fixer Solitus Female 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Applicant
1055 Rossbot Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Squad Commander
1056 Temptrb Bureaucrat Atrox Neuter 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Applicant
1057 Transfer Trader Opifex Male 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1058 Trbarmor Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1059 Trbmisc Trader Atrox Neuter 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1060 Trbshade Martial Artist Atrox Neuter 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1061 Trbsymbs Agent Atrox Neuter 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1062 Trbtier1 Trader Atrox Neuter 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1063 Turcabank Trader Nano Male 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
1064 Vonslam Adventurer Solitus Male 1 0 Clan 1 The Red Brotherhood Unit Member
