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Character Database

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Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
1 Potaskan-1 Martial Artist Solitus Male 98 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Squad Commander
2 Coramoor Enforcer Solitus Male 88 1 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Squad Commander
3 Forlare-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 82 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
4 Ravekwando Martial Artist Solitus Male 60 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
5 Solitus12 Adventurer Solitus Male 51 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
6 Deadmonkeyii Soldier Solitus Male 50 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
7 Deadlydude Adventurer Solitus Male 46 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
8 Petrudatny-1 Soldier Solitus Male 42 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
9 Digimin626 Martial Artist Solitus Male 41 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
10 Ourouboros-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 39 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
11 Masterix Martial Artist Solitus Male 37 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
12 Emat-1 Martial Artist Solitus Male 36 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
13 Mark23-1 Bureaucrat Solitus Male 35 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
14 Bultius-1 Soldier Solitus Male 34 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
15 Ostebink-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 34 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
16 Xhbombx-1 Engineer Solitus Male 32 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
17 Agentkille-2 Agent Solitus Male 27 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
18 Catchemkil-1 Soldier Solitus Male 26 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
19 Encron Enforcer Solitus Male 25 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
20 Elfrancais-1 Nano-Technician Solitus Male 22 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
21 Allifton Martial Artist Solitus Male 21 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
22 Amongo Engineer Solitus Male 21 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
23 Artwolf-1 Soldier Solitus Male 21 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
24 Advkirby-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 20 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
25 Asianoutla-1 Engineer Solitus Male 19 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
26 Nebularadv-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 18 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Unit Member
27 Taiwaneze Soldier Solitus Male 18 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
28 Sabi-1 Soldier Solitus Male 17 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
29 Ameriknu Trader Solitus Male 16 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
30 Merdec-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 16 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
31 Leory-1 Soldier Solitus Male 15 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
32 Karadock-1 Engineer Solitus Male 13 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
33 Semialzas-1 Agent Solitus Male 13 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
34 Kabookie40 Martial Artist Solitus Male 12 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
35 Spedshal2-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 12 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
36 Inlejame-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 11 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
37 Unseenman-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 11 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
38 Bballskill-1 Soldier Solitus Male 10 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
39 Brainjacke-1 Agent Solitus Male 9 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
40 Gravnar-1 Soldier Solitus Male 9 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
41 Ewijn5-1 Engineer Solitus Male 8 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
42 Elliteneo Martial Artist Solitus Male 7 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
43 Reptilio Soldier Solitus Male 7 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
44 Smithsaint-1 Agent Solitus Male 7 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
45 Xprometheu-1 Engineer Solitus Male 7 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
46 Muuxi-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 6 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant
47 Stresa-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 6 0 Clan 1 Defenders of the Leet Applicant