18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Character Database

Database query
Breed: Profession: Gender:
Person: Level: ..
Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
701 Nazzgoth Meta-Physicist Nano Male 205 9 Omni 1 No guild No rank
702 Awsmig Meta-Physicist Nano Male 205 8 Omni 2 No guild No rank
703 Stricnine Meta-Physicist Nano Male 205 8 Omni 2 No guild No rank
704 Orsomething Meta-Physicist Nano Male 205 7 Omni 2 Ring of Destruction Applicant
705 Metamina Meta-Physicist Nano Female 205 6 Omni 2 Viking Warrior's General
706 Petbuffer1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 205 6 Omni 2 No guild No rank
707 Tranken Meta-Physicist Nano Male 205 5 Omni 1 No guild No rank
708 Jarlsberg Meta-Physicist Nano Female 205 3 Omni 1 No guild No rank
709 Jiil Meta-Physicist Nano Female 205 0 Omni 2 Omni-Pol Elite-Gimps Squad Commander
710 Skyxxis Meta-Physicist Nano Female 205 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
711 Soidia Meta-Physicist Nano Female 205 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
712 Wizzerrd Meta-Physicist Nano Male 205 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
713 Purkkapallot Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 21 Omni 2 Northern Star Applicant
714 Elby Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 19 Omni 1 Seppuku Squad Commander
715 Gandaric Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 11 Omni 1 No guild No rank
716 Yuanjian Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 11 Omni 1 No guild No rank
717 Metawolfie Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 10 Omni 2 No guild No rank
718 Xatross Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 10 Omni 2 No guild No rank
719 Angelnuss Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 9 Omni 1 Division 9 RSGE Applicant
720 Punix Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 9 Omni 1 L.R.R.P Unit Member
721 Demonpet Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 8 Omni 2 Unity Applicant
722 Gardenhoe Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 8 Omni 1 No guild No rank
723 Metaphreak Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 8 Omni 1 Asgard Unit Member
724 Novamyrd Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 8 Omni 1 No guild No rank
725 Satashi Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 8 Omni 1 No guild No rank
726 Alluminas Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 7 Omni 1 Cosmic Forklift Inc. Applicant
727 Gumman Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 7 Omni 2 No guild No rank
728 Omegaphyst Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 7 Omni 2 Defenders of Rimor Squad Commander
729 Omegaphyst Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 7 Omni 2 Defenders of Rimor Squad Commander
730 Agrys Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 6 Omni 1 Alien Beach Party Applicant
731 Metaleo Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 6 Omni 1 No guild No rank
732 Scratch-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 6 Omni 2 No guild No rank
733 Flegette Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 5 Omni 2 Quantum Order Unit Member
734 Innervoice-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 5 Omni 1 Lioness Rampant Unit Member
735 Juggler Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 5 Omni 1 Hai2u Applicant
736 Kokuru Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 5 Omni 2 No guild No rank
737 Aoky-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 3 Omni 1 Les Dragons de l Enfer Executive
738 Kartago Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 3 Omni 1 Seppuku Squad Commander
739 Shygoth Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 2 Omni 1 First Order Squad Commander
740 Graetsummer Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 0 Omni 2 No guild No rank
741 Kimeta Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 0 Omni 1 Reaching Moon Applicant
742 Nemesiz Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 0 Omni 1 Wardens of Omni-Tek Board Member
743 Ratanec Meta-Physicist Nano Male 204 0 Omni 1 New Wave (MC) Applicant
744 Stellar7 Meta-Physicist Nano Female 204 0 Omni 2 Project EDEN Unit Leader
745 Drenea Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 23 Omni 1 Retired Edge Member
746 Methephis Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 19 Omni 2 Pack of Noobs Member
747 Nanoeater2 Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 19 Omni 2 Cute Bunny Killers Squad Commander
748 Useful3 Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 19 Omni 1 Asgard Squad Commander
749 Kerschten Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 16 Omni 1 Black Dawn Unit Commander
750 Notabuffbot Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 15 Omni 2 Nodrop at all Unit Commander
751 Rodichen Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 15 Omni 1 Shadow Company Applicant
752 Cantrips Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 11 Omni 1 No guild No rank
753 Jeeepeee Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 10 Omni 1 Riders Of The Lost Org Applicant
754 Nikita3 Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 10 Omni 2 No guild No rank
755 Xprometheusx Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 10 Omni 2 Wandering Profits Veteran
756 Gimp2112 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 9 Omni 2 Ring of Destruction Applicant
757 Rostix Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 9 Omni 2 Omlety Squad Commander
758 Tatericist Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 9 Omni 2 The Knight Order Applicant
759 Cenobyter Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 8 Omni 2 No guild No rank
760 Khayda Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 8 Omni 1 No guild No rank
761 Turia Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 8 Omni 2 Valhall Guardians Unit Member
762 Xcesiva Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 8 Omni 2 Paradox Inc. Applicant
763 Chimearo Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 7 Omni 2 No guild No rank
764 Blitzabeth Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 6 Omni 1 No guild No rank
765 Cmuphy Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 6 Omni 1 Nemesis of Chaos Applicant
766 Indrid-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 4 Omni 2 Friends of the Dojo Squad Commander
767 Ravencroft Meta-Physicist Nano Female 203 4 Omni 1 No guild No rank
768 Avalear Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 0 Omni 2 The Loony Bin Applicant
769 Dwaw Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 0 Omni 2 Apollo Rising II General
770 Wilderbeast Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 0 Omni 1 No guild No rank
771 Mephistoh Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 21 Omni 2 The Dark Order of Chaos Applicant
772 Mpbufz Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 21 Omni 2 Elements of Destruction Applicant
773 Kiwinanomp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 19 Omni 1 ANZACs Squad Commander
774 Vanmeatball Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 18 Omni 2 Omni-Pol Bureau of Investigation Squad Commander
775 Hoissain Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 17 Omni 2 Ring of Destruction Applicant
776 Kanske Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 17 Omni 2 Valhall Guardians Unit Member
777 Dweia Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 16 Omni 1 GoonCorp General
778 Zzslord Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 16 Omni 1 Dawn of War Squad Commander
779 Nitopher Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 14 Omni 1 Lampa Squad Commander
780 Anginola Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 13 Omni 2 The Loony Bin Applicant
781 Phystfight Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 12 Omni 2 Unity III Member
782 Sesunger-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 12 Omni 1 No guild No rank
783 Mizz2 Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 10 Omni 1 No guild No rank
784 Crazyball Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 9 Omni 2 Apollo Rising General
785 Madara Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 9 Omni 2 No guild No rank
786 Tommy22 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 9 Omni 1 No guild No rank
787 Wannadie Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 8 Omni 2 No guild No rank
788 Asphixicon Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 7 Omni 2 The Dark Order Of Chaoss Squad Commander
789 Cavernamt Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 7 Omni 1 Obsidian Order Applicant
790 Mpsanctum Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 7 Omni 1 Dark Side Unit Member
791 Neomet Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 7 Omni 2 No guild No rank
792 Protokali Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 7 Omni 2 Quantum Order Applicant
793 Shindeo Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 7 Omni 2 Core Applicant
794 Petson Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 6 Omni 1 Howl of the Abyss Squad Commander
795 Handler-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 5 Omni 2 No guild No rank
796 Luvinangel Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 5 Omni 2 Ive Got Your Back Applicant
797 Tarryann Meta-Physicist Nano Female 202 5 Omni 1 Circle of Notum Unit Member
798 Willerie1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 5 Omni 1 No guild No rank
799 Metnano Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 4 Omni 1 Omni SV-9 Unit Commander
800 Pnux Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 4 Omni 1 Dark Side Applicant
