18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Character Database

Database query
Breed: Profession: Gender:
Person: Level: ..
Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
701 Iseepeople-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 PC Raiders Applicant
702 Ludakriz Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 The Nanomage Liberation Front. Applicant
703 Metaisk Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 Free Spirits Unit Member
704 Metastorm92 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 Alliance of DarkSide Applicant
705 Necronam Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
706 Nutomfighter Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
707 Pcrmeta Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 PC Raiders Applicant
708 Riisy Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 Beware, I r squish Applicant
709 Shadowfalkon Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 Free Spirits Applicant
710 Soulspawn Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
711 Taquitos Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
712 Tindogk9 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 Spirit Walkers Unit Member
713 Vibram Meta-Physicist Nano Male 17 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
714 Animist Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
715 Auxilius Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 Defiant Applicant
716 Belphebor Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 Wanted Applicant
717 Colje-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
718 Dorbymp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
719 Fontemp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
720 Furyx0 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 PC Raiders Applicant
721 Lucidina Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
722 Metatroop Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
723 Plamius-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 Cybor Club Applicant
724 Rockybalboa Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
725 Warlock7 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 16 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
726 Balloonmaker Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 2 Neutral 1 The Independent Rubikans Applicant
727 Iswa Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 2 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
728 Summonerraja Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 1 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
729 Chemovirus Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
730 Dharzeke Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 EvenTide Applicant
731 Dwanie Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 Elite Operations Unit Member
732 Jaws12-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 RubiKa Death Squad Applicant
733 Metamunk Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
734 Metatox Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 Beware, I r squish Applicant
735 Nugjo-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 Tower Hunters Inc. Applicant
736 Oicu812 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
737 Petticus Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
738 Physikus Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
739 Slemklump-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 Pariah Applicant
740 Spindx Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
741 Thedeal Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
742 Underverse-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
743 Utchat-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 15 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
744 Bandayge Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 1 Neutral 1 Third Faction Squad Commander
745 Bandaayge Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 Third Faction Applicant
746 Bandaygge Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 Third Faction Applicant
747 Constricth-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 Wanted Applicant
748 Dmai Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
749 Epikflail Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 The Defiant Applicant
750 Gitn2 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
751 Hirac-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 Kings of Supremacy Applicant
752 Kailsh Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
753 Karaful Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 Shadow Atlantians Applicant
754 Metakyl Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 The Independent Rubikans Applicant
755 Mymp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
756 Neutrino-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 Carnaval des Animaux Applicant
757 Thingus Meta-Physicist Nano Male 14 0 Neutral 1 The Independent Rubikans Applicant
758 Arlailen Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
759 Astaahmeta Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 Elders of Rubi-ka Applicant
760 Bludfellz Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 Thunder Strikers Applicant
761 Drakonisala Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
762 Drdan Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
763 Evendim Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 Hussars Applicant
764 Killfire-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 Sixximux Applicant
765 Mochsforme Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
766 Muffin666 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
767 Necromunge-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 Cult of Masochistic Overlords of Hades Applicant
768 Schizz Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
769 Thepet Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
770 Thuric Meta-Physicist Nano Male 13 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
771 Auromp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 1 Neutral 1 Neutralizers Unit Member
772 Ashkhan Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
773 Crash360 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 Blood Dragon's Applicant
774 Fysisian-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 proxxi Anarchist
775 Haildeadon-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 PC Raiders Applicant
776 Hytren Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
777 Kabamaru Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 Credz plx Applicant
778 Mannifest Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 Rage of the Hated Follower
779 Pyromet Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
780 Saitus Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 Vita Superne Applicant
781 Sirga Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 Keepers of the Short Bus Anarchist
782 Wuntam Meta-Physicist Nano Male 12 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
783 Maverick01 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 1 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
784 Mykehawk-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 1 Neutral 1 PC Raiders Applicant
785 Asendius Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 Rubi-Ka Defence Force Applicant
786 Daegred Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 Spirit Walkers Applicant
787 Davestur-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 PC Raiders Applicant
788 Equip Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
789 Faust7-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 PC Raiders Applicant
790 Fiveby5 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
791 Lethelza Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 RK ShadowS Applicant
792 Loydelli-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 Project Mayhem Unit Member
793 Meta07 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
794 Metadon Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
795 Metafish Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 The Pharons General
796 Psyfella-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 The leveling Service Peasant
797 Tryss Meta-Physicist Nano Male 11 0 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
798 Aitro Meta-Physicist Nano Male 10 1 Neutral 1 No guild No rank
799 Amaro Meta-Physicist Nano Male 10 1 Neutral 1 RK2 Crashed Advisor
800 Barett Meta-Physicist Nano Male 10 1 Neutral 1 Xx.Cradle of Liberty.xX Squad Commander
