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Character Database

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Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
301 Allyah Doctor Solitus Female 150 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
302 Mamelon Soldier Solitus Female 150 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
303 Tericion Engineer Solitus Male 150 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
304 Xsemrehx Fixer Opifex Female 150 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
305 Fufighter Martial Artist Solitus Male 150 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
306 Impackt Martial Artist Opifex Male 150 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
307 Xsuperkiterx Nano-Technician Nano Male 150 1 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
308 Lemonskull-1 Fixer Opifex Male 150 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
309 Timetorumble Enforcer Atrox Neuter 150 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
310 Devilsengi Engineer Solitus Male 149 18 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
311 Tehsukc-1 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 149 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
312 Sylert Fixer Opifex Male 148 19 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
313 Vadvilldu Bureaucrat Solitus Male 148 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
314 Lorethian-1 Fixer Opifex Female 147 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
315 Rawhide Soldier Atrox Neuter 147 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
316 Bulletzz Agent Opifex Male 146 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
317 Bodaleg-1 Keeper Solitus Female 146 1 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
318 Howdoggy Soldier Atrox Neuter 145 9 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Commander
319 Tallestone Enforcer Atrox Neuter 145 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
320 Voolder Keeper Atrox Neuter 144 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
321 Ozelenfo Enforcer Atrox Neuter 144 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
322 Jellybean420 Martial Artist Opifex Female 144 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
323 Brandid Agent Nano Male 144 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
324 Faildoc Bureaucrat Solitus Male 144 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
325 Cleo1 Adventurer Solitus Female 144 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
326 Killinitch Martial Artist Opifex Female 143 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
327 Fixxxah Fixer Opifex Female 143 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
328 Ghorash Enforcer Atrox Neuter 143 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
329 Remedyz Keeper Opifex Male 143 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
330 Tiriril-1 Keeper Opifex Female 142 16 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
331 Shark84 Soldier Solitus Male 141 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
332 Kaliant Enforcer Solitus Male 140 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
333 Wormeh3 Nano-Technician Solitus Male 139 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
334 Keepasecret Keeper Solitus Female 138 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
335 Bombergirl Nano-Technician Nano Female 138 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
336 Tradezj00 Trader Opifex Female 138 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
337 Gunsdaddy-1 Soldier Atrox Neuter 137 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
338 Migie Martial Artist Opifex Female 137 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
339 Bengosoul-1 Martial Artist Opifex Male 137 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
340 Retrogear Engineer Nano Male 137 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
341 Fixsterspeed Fixer Opifex Male 136 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
342 Smengi Engineer Solitus Male 136 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
343 Damedeath Nano-Technician Nano Female 136 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
344 Wirri Soldier Atrox Neuter 135 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
345 Nhery Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 135 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
346 Azis-1 Engineer Solitus Female 135 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
347 Carinet Enforcer Atrox Neuter 134 15 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
348 Tankingtrox Enforcer Atrox Neuter 133 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
349 Systemerro-1 Engineer Nano Male 133 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
350 Froobsparrow Fixer Opifex Male 133 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
351 Brutalsomfan Martial Artist Atrox Neuter 132 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
352 Delene-1 Keeper Solitus Female 131 1 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
353 Namika Martial Artist Opifex Female 131 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
354 Drewp369 Engineer Solitus Male 130 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
355 Nanivan Nano-Technician Nano Male 130 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
356 Wraintooth-1 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 130 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
357 Elemental2 Nano-Technician Nano Male 129 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
358 Ghostdance-2 Doctor Nano Female 128 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
359 Colphier Adventurer Solitus Male 128 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
360 Thehitman2 Soldier Atrox Neuter 126 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
361 Lakxows Meta-Physicist Nano Male 126 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
362 Bimbiboo-1 Martial Artist Opifex Female 126 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
363 Ozdok Doctor Nano Male 126 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
364 Atromet Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 125 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
365 Tevaldol Martial Artist Opifex Female 125 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
366 Zakiyah-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Female 124 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
367 Dorgan-1 Soldier Atrox Neuter 124 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
368 Riddleufull Soldier Atrox Neuter 124 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
369 Wolffwood Adventurer Atrox Neuter 123 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
370 Ninari Adventurer Solitus Female 123 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
371 Petsmygame Meta-Physicist Nano Male 122 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
372 Squishyant-1 Shade Opifex Male 122 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
373 Superfluff Fixer Opifex Male 122 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
374 Vessel-1 Fixer Solitus Male 121 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
375 Hedgehog Engineer Atrox Neuter 120 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
376 Staris-1 Martial Artist Opifex Male 120 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
377 Zeitza-1 Adventurer Solitus Female 119 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
378 Finndoc Doctor Nano Male 118 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
379 Mugley-1 Enforcer Atrox Neuter 118 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
380 Lordroc Adventurer Solitus Male 118 0 Omni 2 The Syndicate Lord
381 Rukya Adventurer Solitus Female 117 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
382 Carlakin Martial Artist Atrox Neuter 115 12 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
383 Marconi Soldier Solitus Male 114 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
384 Echo5-1 Adventurer Solitus Male 114 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
385 Katheati Adventurer Nano Female 114 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
386 Baloonitch Meta-Physicist Nano Male 113 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
387 Petpower Meta-Physicist Nano Male 112 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
388 Osangar Nano-Technician Nano Female 111 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
389 Drdoctorphd Doctor Nano Male 110 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
390 Elistaxi Fixer Solitus Female 110 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
391 Sturg Martial Artist Atrox Neuter 109 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
392 Ilkeep Keeper Atrox Neuter 108 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
393 Twentypeople Keeper Atrox Neuter 108 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
394 Kissnfixer Fixer Opifex Female 108 1 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
395 Enternul Shade Opifex Female 108 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
396 Uninspired Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 107 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
397 Rentix Enforcer Atrox Neuter 107 7 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
398 Drzoidberg-1 Doctor Atrox Neuter 107 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
399 Ronuwufu-1 Shade Solitus Male 105 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
400 Thirdtim3 Trader Atrox Neuter 105 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
