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Character Database

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Person: Level: ..
Guild: Online?
Last update: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:18:09 +0000
Light background: data changed in latest update - Bold: currently online
(online status only available for level 200+ characters on Atlantean)
Character listing
# Name Profession Breed Gender Level AI Faction RK Guild Rank
1 Tiuan Meta-Physicist Nano Female 220 30 Clan 2 The Syndicate General
2 Clintasaurus Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 220 24 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
3 Cptchaos Meta-Physicist Solitus Male 220 21 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
4 Visarcot Meta-Physicist Solitus Male 220 17 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
5 Citrosity Meta-Physicist Opifex Male 220 16 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
6 Thehitman6 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 220 16 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
7 Wirena Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 220 15 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
8 Zitrone Meta-Physicist Nano Male 220 15 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
9 Person Meta-Physicist Nano Female 217 30 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
10 Ozelmp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 210 13 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
11 Stefan Meta-Physicist Nano Male 210 11 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
12 Ntericom Meta-Physicist Nano Male 203 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
13 Samertua Meta-Physicist Nano Male 202 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
14 Villainy Meta-Physicist Nano Female 200 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
15 Jessa Meta-Physicist Nano Female 200 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
16 Metamolly Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 197 10 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
17 Denarobe Meta-Physicist Nano Male 181 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
18 Algemar Meta-Physicist Nano Male 177 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
19 Salvious Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 174 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
20 Murllin Meta-Physicist Nano Male 168 9 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Leader
21 Mannimarco Meta-Physicist Nano Male 158 16 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
22 Hermoch Meta-Physicist Nano Female 156 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
23 Summonthis Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 155 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
24 Formerhero Meta-Physicist Nano Male 153 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
25 Nhery Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 135 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
26 Lakxows Meta-Physicist Nano Male 126 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
27 Atromet Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 125 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
28 Zakiyah-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Female 124 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
29 Petsmygame Meta-Physicist Nano Male 122 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
30 Baloonitch Meta-Physicist Nano Male 113 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
31 Petpower Meta-Physicist Nano Male 112 3 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
32 Uninspired Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 107 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
33 Metajester-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 103 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
34 Mrfatty-1 Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 100 8 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
35 Mehealya Meta-Physicist Nano Female 100 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
36 Tziuan Meta-Physicist Nano Female 100 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
37 Maxdragon Meta-Physicist Nano Male 98 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
38 Chons Meta-Physicist Nano Male 96 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
39 Elya-1 Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 79 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
40 Squishyone Meta-Physicist Nano Male 79 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Commander
41 Raaneen Meta-Physicist Nano Male 67 4 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
42 Solarreign-1 Meta-Physicist Opifex Female 65 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
43 Broc-1 Meta-Physicist Solitus Male 62 0 Omni 2 The Syndicate Board Member
44 Murathhh-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 61 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
45 Fatedealer Meta-Physicist Nano Male 60 6 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
46 Ozellmp Meta-Physicist Nano Male 60 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
47 Manafestoe-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 60 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
48 Phancypants Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 60 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
49 Twadizzle Meta-Physicist Opifex Male 60 1 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
50 Pattycake Meta-Physicist Nano Male 51 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
51 Djtonik-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 50 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
52 Smorgy Meta-Physicist Atrox Neuter 50 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
53 Isplatfast Meta-Physicist Nano Female 46 5 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member
54 Thefuryisi-1 Meta-Physicist Solitus Male 44 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
55 Rinny Meta-Physicist Nano Female 43 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
56 Twnkltows Meta-Physicist Nano Female 41 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
57 Fluffsbuff-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 41 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
58 Candicane-1 Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 38 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
59 Froobmpitch Meta-Physicist Nano Female 37 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Squad Commander
60 Aurockblitz Meta-Physicist Nano Male 32 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
61 Optixl-1 Meta-Physicist Nano Male 31 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
62 Altadamien Meta-Physicist Nano Male 20 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
63 Iriel Meta-Physicist Nano Female 19 1 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
64 Misstrilsk-1 Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 18 2 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
65 Damiandark Meta-Physicist Solitus Male 10 1 Clan 2 The Syndicate Applicant
66 Elismule1 Meta-Physicist Solitus Female 1 0 Clan 2 The Syndicate Unit Member