Get the Official game client for BatMUD™. It easens up the very high learning curve of our Game; one of the most feature rich fantasy MMO in existence. The client has a friendly graphical user interface and is available at a friendly price on Steam store. Playing is otherwise free of charge (no subscription). The client works on Windows, Linux and SteamOS. Mac version is coming to Steam.
Enter BatMUD's gameworld and see text-based fantasy gaming at its finest!
Note: If you do not wish to use our graphically assisted client, you can also connect to BatMUD ( with many of the commercial or free MUD clients available on the Internet.
A familiar setting; your personal statistical information for hitpoints, spell points and endurance points, among your fully customizable character profile picture, name, level and unused experience points. Besides these, this view offers targetting information with the target's health bar. All of these metrics are updated in real-time for playability.
A typical player-formed and -managed full 9-man adventuring group. In our Realm, you don't need a separate charter to be able to form a team. Several parties can link, thus forming a raid. There are special areas that require 18 players to even be able to enter, for instance..
As seen here, other party members also see your personal character portrait. The party view and its health bars update in real-time for all members. You can also mouse drag & drop players to different slots.
Besides normal key-bindings, you can tie the F1, F2,.. keys for specific actions, also more elaborately to such as 'heal your partyTarget', who you've just chosen by mouse-click.
Besides adding new windows and deciding which output (e.g. tells to you) gets sent there (or to several windows at once), windows may be added within windows through the tab-function. Tabs highlight on new output and you can cycle them through on key-combos such as Ctrl-Tab.
The Realm map shows your current location (and also your group members' locations), it gives you the opportunity to zoom in/out and search for preset locations anywhere within the Realm. You can also center the view and use it for navigational purposes, in case the (enhanced) normal map view is too small for you. You can add your own location markers (and notes) to the Realm map view, import new ones or export yours for others.
Batclient incorporates a very powerful scripting language, as well as triggers, macros, lites, plugins and whatnot. You can basically do anything with the Batclient; make it interface with your coffee machine or such. Next upcoming features include easening the management of triggers.
Batclient runs factually on almost any desktop computer. We have confirmed and tested that it runs even on such as Sony Playstation 3 and the lightweight Asus EEE laptop.
A required feature in the MMO world, the ability see player buffs and effects. While this feature has been available in the text-mode BatMUD for almost two decades, it's been added as a graphical view now, too. See what's affecting you: all individual buffs such as blessings and other bonuses as well as any negative effects - debuffs and diseases, with their lenghts or time remaining. Filterable and customizable in terms of grid and icon size.
The game client supports any resolution (for example, also 1920x1200).
Processor: anything that can run the operating system
Operating Systems: Windows / Linux / Mac OSX / Solaris (+any Java compliant OS)
Minimum memory: 128MB of free RAM suggested
Hard disk/storage: 10MB available HD space suggested
Internet connection
For ready-made plugins, scripts and triggers for the Batclient, see here.
Click here for the Javadoc; interface descriptions for coding your own plugins for Batclient.
For more information and the latest updates, see the client message-board on our Forums.