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Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Hurtig: L220/19 Atrox Meta-Physicist on Atlantean
The Key to Lord Galahad's SanctuaryNano Controller UnitTargeting Scope - Vision Enhancer
Masterpiece Ancient Manual Aiming AidMasterpiece Ancient Combat TunerCross Dimensional Gyro of Gemini
Dreadloch TigressMaar's Yellow Belt of Double Speed 
Well Balanced Spirit Helper of LibraVirgo's Practical Spirit HelperComputer Deck Range Increaser
Sagittarius's Hearty Spirit HelperIntuitive Memory of the AquariusInfused Viral Compiler
Clan Merits - ParagonSureshot GlassesModified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat
Faithful Metaphysicist Shoulder CoverPenultimate Ofab Metaphysicist Body ArmorMight of the Revenant
Combined Sharpshooter's SleevesCombined Sharpshooter's GlovesCombined Sharpshooter's Sleeves
Masterpiece Ancient BracerCombined Sharpshooter's LegwearMasterpiece Ancient Defensive Bracer
Pure Novictum Ring for the Support UnitCombined Sharpshooter's FootwearHold Hell at Bay
Eye Implant: Aimed Shot, Refined ShinyExcited Brain Symbiant, Control Unit AbanExcited Ear Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban
Right-Arm Implant: Bow, Refined Shiny JobeExcited Chest Symbiant, Control Unit AbanLeft-Arm Implant: % Add All Def., Refined Shiny Jobe
Right-Wrist Implant: Ranged. Init, Refined Shiny JobeVital Waist Symbiant, Control Unit AbanLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Refined Shiny Jobe
Right-Hand Implant: % Add. Poison Dam., Refined Shiny JobeExcited Thigh Symbiant, Control Unit AbanEffective Left Hand Symbiant, Control Unit Aban
 Vital Feet Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban 
Perk actions
Bot Confinement Channel Rage Clearshot Combust
Dazzle With Lights Diffuse Rage Economic Nanobot Use Mind Wail
Nano Feast Popshot Quark Containment Field Regain Focus
Skill Drain Removal Sow Despair Sow Doubt Spirit of Blessing
Spirit of Purity Supernova Thermal Detonation
Projectile AC6125
Melee AC6225
Energy AC6370
Chemical AC6370
Radiation AC6355
Cold AC6080
Poison AC6370
Fire AC5835

Body development77
Nano pool262
Max health5828
Max nano6523

Belt decks6
NCU memory635
Nano cost modifier-27
Experience modifier21
Weapon range46
Nano range158
Critical chance9
Offense modifier194
Defense modifier685

1h Blunt50
1h Edged15
2h Edged15
2h Blunt50
Melee energy15
Fast attack25
Sneak attack25
Multi melee25

Assault rifle180
Ranged energy180
Fling shot150
Full auto150
Aimed shot982
Bow special attack418
Multi ranged291
Sharp objects180
Heavy weapons180

Melee init-193
Ranged init28
Physical init-33
Nano init914
Duck explosives504
Dodge ranged624
Evade close625
Run speed500
Nano resist1163

Trade and Repair
Mechanical engineering126
Electrical engineering76
Quantum physics126
Weapon smithing76
Nano programming408
Computer literacy386

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis536
Biological metamorphosis516
Psychological modifications529
Matter creation560
Time and space478
Sensory improvement429
First aid199

Breaking and entry150
Trap disarming223

Map navigation76
Vehicle air61
Vehicle ground126
Vehicle water126

Projectile damage modifier102
Melee damage modifier102
Energy damage modifier102
Chemical damage modifier112
Radiation damage modifier102
Cold damage modifier102
Fire damage modifier102
Poison damage modifier156

Heal delta36
Nano delta32
Skill lock modifier-22
Nano interrupt chance28
Critical decrease4

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1The Key to Lord Galahad's Sanctuary (QL1)
Hud 2Nano Controller Unit (QL300)
Hud 3Targeting Scope - Vision Enhancer (QL275)
Utils 1Masterpiece Ancient Manual Aiming Aid (QL250)
Utils 2Masterpiece Ancient Combat Tuner (QL250)
Utils 3Cross Dimensional Gyro of Gemini (QL250)
Right handDreadloch Tigress (QL300)
BeltMaar's Yellow Belt of Double Speed (QL300)
Left hand(empty)
Deck 1Well Balanced Spirit Helper of Libra (QL250)
Deck 2Virgo's Practical Spirit Helper (QL250)
Deck 3Computer Deck Range Increaser (QL200)
Deck 4Sagittarius's Hearty Spirit Helper (QL250)
Deck 5Intuitive Memory of the Aquarius (QL250)
Deck 6Infused Viral Compiler (QL300)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckClan Merits - Paragon (QL1)
HeadSureshot Glasses (QL300)
BackModified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat (QL160)
Right shoulderFaithful Metaphysicist Shoulder Cover (QL300)
BodyPenultimate Ofab Metaphysicist Body Armor (QL300)
Left shoulderMight of the Revenant (QL1)
Right armCombined Sharpshooter's Sleeves (QL300)
HandsCombined Sharpshooter's Gloves (QL300)
Left armCombined Sharpshooter's Sleeves (QL300)
Right wristMasterpiece Ancient Bracer (QL250)
LegsCombined Sharpshooter's Legwear (QL300)
Left wristMasterpiece Ancient Defensive Bracer (QL250)
Right fingerPure Novictum Ring for the Support Unit (QL1)
FeetCombined Sharpshooter's Footwear (QL300)
Left fingerHold Hell at Bay (QL1)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeEye Implant: Aimed Shot, Shiny (QL300)
HeadExcited Brain Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL250)
EarExcited Ear Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban (QL250)
Right armRight-Arm Implant: Bow, Shiny Jobe (QL300)
BodyExcited Chest Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL250)
Left armLeft-Arm Implant: % Add All Def., Shiny Jobe (QL300)
Right wristRight-Wrist Implant: Ranged. Init, Shiny Jobe (QL300)
WaistVital Waist Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL260)
Left wristLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Shiny Jobe (QL300)
Right handRight-Hand Implant: % Add. Poison Dam., Shiny Jobe (QL300)
LegsExcited Thigh Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL250)
Left handEffective Left Hand Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL240)
FeetVital Feet Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban (QL260)

Perks (EDIT)
Soothing SpiritsLevel 10
Spatial AwarenessLevel 7
TraumaLevel 10
RangerLevel 6
StarfallLevel 10
Theoretical ResearchLevel 3
PerseverencesLevel 8
Nano DoctorateLevel 7
JealousyLevel 8
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 10
Channel RageLevel 10
Alien Technology ExpertiseLevel 3
AngstLevel 4
Character (EDIT)
Name Hurtig
Dimension Atlantean
Level 220/19
Breed Atrox
Profession Meta-Physicist

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