18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Regidoc: L220/23 Nano Doctor on Atlantean
Alien Augmentation Device - DefensiveNano Controller UnitResearch Attunement Device - Offense Level Three
Infused Ancient DefenderDoctor NanodeckInfused Ancient Nano Enhancer
Doctor's Right Hand of HopeBelt Component Platform 6K-XDoctor's Left Hand of Grace
Enhanced Safeguarded NCU Memory UnitSpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUSpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU
Viral Memory Storage UnitHardcore CPU UpgradeInfused Viral Compiler
Clan Merits - ParagonEnhanced Jathos' Molybdenum Plate HelmetSpirit Shroud of the Artillery Unit
Superior Icy Shoulderpads of the Powerful MindEnhanced Dustbrigade Spirit-tech ChestpieceFaithful Doctor Shoulderpad
Combined Paramedic's SleevesPenultimate Ofab Doctor GlovesPenultimate Ofab Doctor Sleeves
Perfected Infused Dust Brigade BracerEnhanced Dustbrigade CoveringBracelet of Arul Saba (Jagged Landscape - 5/5 - Left)
Pure Novictum Ring for the Support UnitSturdy Detention BootsHold Hell at Bay
Excited Ocular Symbiant, Support Unit AbanVigorous Brain Symbiant, Support Unit AbanPersisting Ear Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Effective Right Arm Symbiant, Support Unit AbanEffective Chest Symbiant, Support Unit AbanEffective Left Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Right-Wrist Implant: Pistol, Refined ShinyPersisting Waist Symbiant, Support Unit AbanLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Shiny
Right-Hand Implant: Pistol, Refined BrightExcited Thigh Symbiant, Support Unit AbanLiving Left Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
 Effective Feet Symbiant, Support Unit Aban 
Perk actions
Anatomic Blight Anesthetic Antiseptic Astringent
Battlegroup Heal 1 Battlegroup Heal 2 Battlegroup Heal 3 Battlegroup Heal 4
Blood Transfusion Bot Confinement Collapser Cure 1
Cure 2 Deadeye Double Shot Enhanced Heal
Hale and Hearty Healing Care Implode Inflammation
Malicious Prohibition Muscle Memory Nano Feast Pathogen
Quick Shot Restrictive Bandaging Team Hale and Hearty Team Heal
Tick Treatment Transfer Vaccinate 1 Vaccinate 2
Viral Combination
Projectile AC9580
Melee AC9369
Energy AC8999
Chemical AC9350
Radiation AC8921
Cold AC8527
Poison AC8670
Fire AC8235

Body development150
Nano pool289
Max health9008
Max nano5833

Belt decks6
NCU memory515
Nano cost modifier-48
Experience modifier20
Weapon range5
Nano range31
Critical chance2
Offense modifier220
Defense modifier563

Martial arts100
Multi melee13

Ranged energy40
Fling shot103
Multi ranged128

Ranged init40
Physical init268
Nano init1034
Duck explosives24
Dodge ranged84
Evade close24
Run speed470
Nano resist986

Trade and Repair
Electrical engineering70
Quantum physics116
Nano programming250
Computer literacy464

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis670
Biological metamorphosis666
Psychological modifications589
Matter creation489
Time and space489
Sensory improvement523
First aid390

Breaking and entry73
Trap disarming47

Map navigation126
Vehicle air10
Vehicle ground76

Projectile damage modifier380
Melee damage modifier265
Energy damage modifier265
Chemical damage modifier275
Radiation damage modifier265
Cold damage modifier265
Fire damage modifier265
Poison damage modifier275

Reflect projectile damage1
Maximum projectile reflect10

Shield projectile damage8
Shield energy damage8
Shield radiation damage8
Shield fire damage8

Heal delta111
Nano delta106
Skill lock modifier-17
Nano interrupt chance27
Critical decrease5
Heal modifier33
Nano attack damage modifier1

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1Alien Augmentation Device - Defensive (QL150)
Hud 2Nano Controller Unit (QL133)
Hud 3Research Attunement Device - Offense Level Three (QL100)
Utils 1Infused Ancient Defender (QL250)
Utils 2Doctor Nanodeck (QL1)
Utils 3Infused Ancient Nano Enhancer (QL250)
Right handDoctor's Right Hand of Hope (QL300)
BeltBelt Component Platform 6K-X (QL200)
Left handDoctor's Left Hand of Grace (QL300)
Deck 1Enhanced Safeguarded NCU Memory Unit (QL200)
Deck 2Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL213)
Deck 3Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL294)
Deck 4Viral Memory Storage Unit (QL300)
Deck 5Hardcore CPU Upgrade (QL195)
Deck 6Infused Viral Compiler (QL297)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckClan Merits - Paragon (QL1)
HeadEnhanced Jathos' Molybdenum Plate Helmet (QL250)
BackSpirit Shroud of the Artillery Unit (QL200)
Right shoulderSuperior Icy Shoulderpads of the Powerful Mind (QL1)
BodyEnhanced Dustbrigade Spirit-tech Chestpiece (QL200)
Left shoulderFaithful Doctor Shoulderpad (QL300)
Right armCombined Paramedic's Sleeves (QL268)
HandsPenultimate Ofab Doctor Gloves (QL300)
Left armPenultimate Ofab Doctor Sleeves (QL300)
Right wristPerfected Infused Dust Brigade Bracer (QL250)
LegsEnhanced Dustbrigade Covering (QL200)
Left wristBracelet of Arul Saba (Jagged Landscape - 5/5 - Left) (QL200)
Right fingerPure Novictum Ring for the Support Unit (QL1)
FeetSturdy Detention Boots (QL200)
Left fingerHold Hell at Bay (QL1)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeExcited Ocular Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL250)
HeadVigorous Brain Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL230)
EarPersisting Ear Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL220)
Right armEffective Right Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL240)
BodyEffective Chest Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL240)
Left armEffective Left Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL240)
Right wristRight-Wrist Implant: Pistol, Shiny (QL272)
WaistPersisting Waist Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL220)
Left wristLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Shiny (QL200)
Right handRight-Hand Implant: Pistol, Bright (QL260)
LegsLiving Thigh Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL256)
Left handLiving Left Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL210)
FeetEffective Feet Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL240)

Perks (EDIT)
Underground DoctorLevel 9
ToxicologyLevel 7
RehabilitationLevel 8
Specialist HealerLevel 10
Pistol MasteryLevel 10
Nano DoctorateLevel 4
Nano SurgeonLevel 6
NanomorphLevel 2
InternshipLevel 6
DiagnosisLevel 7
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 10
Bedside MannerLevel 8
Assault Force MedicLevel 10
Aggressive SurgeryLevel 6
Champion of Light ArtilleryLevel 10
Character (EDIT)
Name Regidoc
Dimension Atlantean
Level 220/23
Breed Nano
Profession Doctor

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