18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Nwalker: L220/26 Solitus Adventurer on Rimor
Aim of LibraDreadloch Sniper's FriendViral Targeting Subunit
Superior Ancient Combat TunerMasterpiece Ancient Combat TunerAncient Defender
Ofab Peregrine Mk 6Maar's Blue Belt of Double PrudenceJobe Explorer Personal Pistol
Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUSpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUSpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU
Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUHardcore CPU UpgradeViral Compiler
Clan Merits - ParagonCombined Commando's HeadwearSpirit Shroud of the Artillery Unit
Superior Icy Shoulderpads of Explosive PowerLiving Dragonflesh Body ArmorMight of the Revenant
Combined Sharpshooter's SleevesCombined Sharpshooter's GlovesCombined Sharpshooter's Sleeves
Bracelet of Arul Saba (Searing Desert - 5/5 - Right)Combined Sharpshooter's LegwearThe Sacrificed Bracelet of Kay
Ring of Power - ElementsEnhanced Dustbrigade Flexible BootsRing of Power - Elements
Exterminator Ocular EnhancementVital Brain Symbiant, Support Unit AbanEffective Ear Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Persisting Right Arm Symbiant, Artillery Unit AbanVital Chest Symbiant, Artillery Unit AbanCognizant Left Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Excited Right Wrist Symbiant, Artillery Unit AbanVital Waist Symbiant, Artillery Unit AbanLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Refined Shiny Jobe
Effective Right Hand Symbiant, Artillery Unit AbanExcited Thigh Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanPersisting Left Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
 Cognizant Feet Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban 
Perk actions
Aesir Absorption Basic Dressing Beckoning Bio Cocoon
Bio Regrowth Bio Rejuvenation Bio Shield Bleeding Wounds
Bot Confinement Charring Blow Collapser Dance of Fools
Deadeye Devour Double Shot Encase in Stone
Ferocious Hits Gutting Blow Heal Healing Herbs
Implode Limber Machete Flurry Machete Slice
Nano Feast Quick Shot Regain Nano Restore Vigor
Self Preservation Skin Protection Soothing Herbs
Projectile AC9135
Melee AC8152
Energy AC8692
Chemical AC8826
Radiation AC8826
Cold AC8357
Poison AC9092
Fire AC8680

Body development137
Nano pool197
Max health4808
Max nano3115

Belt decks6
NCU memory545
Nano cost modifier-27
Experience modifier14
Weapon range37
Nano range27
Critical chance27
Offense modifier204
Defense modifier443

Martial arts138
1h Blunt30
1h Edged130
2h Edged30
2h Blunt30
Melee energy30
Fast attack97
Sneak attack266
Multi melee80

Assault rifle448
Ranged energy279
Fling shot533
Full auto435
Aimed shot369
Bow special attack267
Multi ranged454
Sharp objects455
Heavy weapons424

Melee init-94
Ranged init175
Physical init-107
Nano init813
Duck explosives566
Dodge ranged607
Evade close568
Run speed451
Nano resist268

Trade and Repair
Electrical engineering77
Quantum physics128
Weapon smithing121
Nano programming250
Computer literacy427

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis553
Biological metamorphosis537
Psychological modifications352
Matter creation381
Time and space321
Sensory improvement415
First aid323

Breaking and entry244
Trap disarming165

Projectile damage modifier312
Melee damage modifier289
Energy damage modifier296
Chemical damage modifier312
Radiation damage modifier312
Cold damage modifier345
Nano damage modifier55
Fire damage modifier520
Poison damage modifier312

Reflect projectile damage3
Reflect melee damage3
Reflect energy damage3
Reflect chemical damage3
Reflect radiation damage3
Reflect cold damage3
Reflect nano damage3
Reflect fire damage4
Reflect poison damage3
Maximum fire reflect10

Shield projectile damage88
Shield melee damage93
Shield energy damage88
Shield chemical damage93
Shield radiation damage88
Shield cold damage103
Shield nano damage80
Shield fire damage98
Shield poison damage93

Damage type97
Heal delta92
Skill lock modifier-6
Nano interrupt chance8
Critical decrease4

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1Aim of Libra (QL250)
Hud 2Dreadloch Sniper's Friend (QL250)
Hud 3Viral Targeting Subunit (QL300)
Utils 1Superior Ancient Combat Tuner (QL250)
Utils 2Masterpiece Ancient Combat Tuner (QL250)
Utils 3Ancient Defender (QL250)
Right handOfab Peregrine Mk 6 (QL300)
BeltMaar's Blue Belt of Double Prudence (QL300)
Left handJobe Explorer Personal Pistol (QL160)
Deck 1Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL300)
Deck 2Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL300)
Deck 3Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL300)
Deck 4Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL300)
Deck 5Hardcore CPU Upgrade (QL200)
Deck 6Viral Compiler (QL300)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckClan Merits - Paragon (QL1)
HeadCombined Commando's Headwear (QL300)
BackSpirit Shroud of the Artillery Unit (QL200)
Right shoulderSuperior Icy Shoulderpads of Explosive Power (QL1)
BodyLiving Dragonflesh Body Armor (QL100)
Left shoulderMight of the Revenant (QL1)
Right armCombined Sharpshooter's Sleeves (QL280)
HandsCombined Sharpshooter's Gloves (QL280)
Left armCombined Sharpshooter's Sleeves (QL300)
Right wristBracelet of Arul Saba (Searing Desert - 5/5 - Right) (QL200)
LegsCombined Sharpshooter's Legwear (QL272)
Left wristThe Sacrificed Bracelet of Kay (QL250)
Right fingerRing of Power - Elements (QL200)
FeetEnhanced Dustbrigade Flexible Boots (QL200)
Left fingerRing of Power - Elements (QL200)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeExterminator Ocular Enhancement (QL227)
HeadVital Brain Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL260)
EarEffective Ear Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL240)
Right armPersisting Right Arm Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban (QL220)
BodyVital Chest Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban (QL260)
Left armCognizant Left Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL270)
Right wristExcited Right Wrist Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban (QL250)
WaistVital Waist Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban (QL260)
Left wristLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Shiny Jobe (QL253)
Right handEffective Right Hand Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban (QL240)
LegsExcited Thigh Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL250)
Left handPersisting Left Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL220)
FeetCognizant Feet Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL270)

Perks (EDIT)
Wilderness LoreLevel 10
Wilderness SurvivalLevel 8
Safari GuideLevel 10
The CallLevel 3
Pistol MasteryLevel 10
MountaineerLevel 3
ExplorationLevel 10
Ferocity of NatureLevel 3
First AidLevel 4
Game WardenLevel 10
GeniusLevel 3
GunslingerLevel 10
Enhance DNALevel 2
Enhance HealthLevel 1
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 10
Keen EyesLevel 10
Bio ShieldingLevel 10
Alien Technology ExpertiseLevel 3
AcrobatLevel 4
Champion of Light ArtilleryLevel 10
Character (EDIT)
Name Nwalker
Dimension Rimor
Level 220/26
Breed Solitus
Profession Adventurer

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