18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Lapiduch: L220/30 Opifex Doctor on Atlantean
The Key to Lord Galahad's SanctuaryBigot's Earring of SacrificeViral Targeting Subunit
ObiTom's Nano CalculatorAquarius's Multitask CalculatorStar of Recovery
Kyr'Ozch Hammer - Type 112Hadrulf's Viral Belt Component PlatformKyr'Ozch Hammer - Type 112
Sagittarius's Hearty Spirit HelperCapricorn's Reliable MemoryComputer Deck Range Increaser
Well Balanced Spirit Helper of LibraHardcore CPU UpgradeViral Compiler
Clan Merits - ParagonSillum's Combined Mercenary's HeadwearSpirit Shroud of the Control Unit
Icy Shoulderpads of BrawnCombined Mercenary's JacketFaithful Doctor Shoulderpad
Combined Mercenary's SleevesCombined Mercenary's GlovesCombined Mercenary's Sleeves
Bracelet of Arul Saba (Corroded Glory - 5/5 - Right)Combined Mercenary's LegwearBracelet of Arul Saba (Corroded Glory - 5/5 - Left)
Ring of Power - PhysicsCombined Mercenary's FootwearRing of Power - Physics
Vital Ocular Symbiant, Support Unit AbanVital Brain Symbiant, Support Unit AbanEffective Ear Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Right-Arm Implant: 1h Blunt, Refined Shiny JobeVital Chest Symbiant, Support Unit AbanCognizant Left Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Right-Wrist Implant: Nano Delta, Refined Shiny JobePersisting Waist Symbiant, Support Unit AbanLeft-Wrist Implant: Mult. Melee, Refined Shiny
Cognizant Right Hand Symbiant, Support Unit AbanExcited Thigh Symbiant, Support Unit AbanLeft-Hand Implant: Fast Attack, Refined Shiny
 Cognizant Feet Symbiant, Support Unit Aban 
Perk actions
Battlegroup Heal 1 Battlegroup Heal 2 Battlegroup Heal 3 Battlegroup Heal 4
Bot Confinement Close Call Crave Cure 1
Cure 2 Enhanced Heal Hale and Hearty Malicious Prohibition
Mistreatment Nano Feast Nano Transmission Regain Nano
Shutdown Removal Skill Drain Removal Team Hale and Hearty Team Heal
Treatment Transfer Vaccinate 1 Vaccinate 2 Viral Combination
Projectile AC9535
Melee AC9474
Energy AC9219
Chemical AC7816
Radiation AC9246
Cold AC8556
Poison AC8278
Fire AC8796

Body development393
Nano pool410
Max health5856
Max nano4315

Belt decks6
NCU memory514
Nano cost modifier-37
Experience modifier13
Weapon range25
Nano range164
Critical chance21
Offense modifier80
Defense modifier409

Martial arts417
1h Blunt508
1h Edged282
2h Edged210
2h Blunt210
Melee energy210
Fast attack413
Sneak attack215
Multi melee408


Melee init-430
Ranged init-430
Physical init-247
Nano init1052
Duck explosives20
Dodge ranged20
Evade close20
Run speed375
Nano resist297

Trade and Repair
Electrical engineering77
Quantum physics128
Nano programming250
Computer literacy508

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis593
Biological metamorphosis592
Psychological modifications469
Matter creation471
Time and space459
Sensory improvement457
First aid378

Breaking and entry79
Trap disarming52

Map navigation128
Vehicle ground77

Projectile damage modifier115
Melee damage modifier115
Energy damage modifier115
Chemical damage modifier416
Radiation damage modifier171
Cold damage modifier115
Fire damage modifier115
Poison damage modifier171

Reflect chemical damage2
Maximum chemical reflect20

Shield projectile damage8
Shield energy damage8
Shield radiation damage8
Shield fire damage8

Heal delta105
Nano delta144
Skill lock modifier-16
Nano interrupt chance20
Critical decrease3
Heal modifier21

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1The Key to Lord Galahad's Sanctuary (QL1)
Hud 2Bigot's Earring of Sacrifice (QL250)
Hud 3Viral Targeting Subunit (QL300)
Utils 1ObiTom's Nano Calculator (QL250)
Utils 2Aquarius's Multitask Calculator (QL250)
Utils 3Star of Recovery (QL250)
Right handKyr'Ozch Hammer - Type 112 (QL300)
BeltHadrulf's Viral Belt Component Platform (QL300)
Left handKyr'Ozch Hammer - Type 112 (QL300)
Deck 1Sagittarius's Hearty Spirit Helper (QL250)
Deck 2Capricorn's Reliable Memory (QL250)
Deck 3Computer Deck Range Increaser (QL200)
Deck 4Well Balanced Spirit Helper of Libra (QL250)
Deck 5Hardcore CPU Upgrade (QL200)
Deck 6Viral Compiler (QL300)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckClan Merits - Paragon (QL1)
HeadSillum's Combined Mercenary's Headwear (QL300)
BackSpirit Shroud of the Control Unit (QL200)
Right shoulderIcy Shoulderpads of Brawn (QL1)
BodyCombined Mercenary's Jacket (QL300)
Left shoulderFaithful Doctor Shoulderpad (QL300)
Right armCombined Mercenary's Sleeves (QL300)
HandsCombined Mercenary's Gloves (QL300)
Left armCombined Mercenary's Sleeves (QL300)
Right wristBracelet of Arul Saba (Corroded Glory - 5/5 - Right) (QL200)
LegsCombined Mercenary's Legwear (QL300)
Left wristBracelet of Arul Saba (Corroded Glory - 5/5 - Left) (QL200)
Right fingerRing of Power - Physics (QL200)
FeetCombined Mercenary's Footwear (QL300)
Left fingerRing of Power - Physics (QL200)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeVital Ocular Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL260)
HeadVital Brain Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL260)
EarEffective Ear Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL240)
Right armRight-Arm Implant: 1h Blunt, Shiny Jobe (QL300)
BodyVital Chest Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL260)
Left armCognizant Left Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL270)
Right wristRight-Wrist Implant: Nano Delta, Shiny Jobe (QL300)
WaistPersisting Waist Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL220)
Left wristLeft-Wrist Implant: Mult. Melee, Shiny (QL300)
Right handCognizant Right Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL270)
LegsExcited Thigh Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL250)
Left handLeft-Hand Implant: Fast Attack, Shiny (QL300)
FeetCognizant Feet Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL270)

Perks (EDIT)
Specialist HealerLevel 10
Nano SurgeonLevel 6
Nano DoctorateLevel 10
GeniusLevel 3
Enhance DNALevel 1
EmbraceLevel 10
Champion of Light InfantryLevel 9
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 10
Assault Force MedicLevel 10
Character (EDIT)
Name Lapiduch
Dimension Atlantean
Level 220/30
Breed Opifex
Profession Doctor

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