18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Willma: L220/22 Solitus Enforcer on Atlantean
Dreadloch Endurance Booster - Enforcer SpecialGallant Flapper RibbonViral Targeting Subunit
Ancient Speed Preservation UnitStar of FortitudeAncient Defender
Dreadloch Enhanced PantherHadrulf's Viral Belt Component PlatformOfab Panther Mk 6
Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUSpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUSpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU
Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUHardcore CPU UpgradeVirgo's Analytical Spirit Helper
Clan Merits - ParagonFly Catcher's SpecsOFAB Enforcer Protective Gear
Superior Icy Shoulderpads of BrawnCombined Mercenary's JacketOFAB Enforcer Shoulder Wear
Combined Mercenary's SleevesCombined Mercenary's GlovesCombined Mercenary's Sleeves
Masterpiece Ancient BracerCombined Mercenary's LegwearBracelet of Arul Saba (Corroded Glory - 5/5 - Left)
Pure Novictum Ring for the Infantry UnitCombined Mercenary's FootwearHold Hell at Bay
Vigorous Ocular Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanAwakened Brain Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanLiving Ear Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Vigorous Right Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanPersisting Chest Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanPersisting Left Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Living Right Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanEffective Waist Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanEffective Left Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Persisting Right Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanPersisting Thigh Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanVigorous Left Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
 Effective Feet Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban 
Perk actions
Air of Hatred Arouse Anger Avalanche Bearhug
Big Smash Bio Cocoon Bio Regrowth Bio Rejuvenation
Bio Shield Bot Confinement Bring the Pain Bust Kneecaps
Crush Bone Devastating Blow Disable Natural Healing Followup Smash
Grasp Grip of Colossus Heal Ignore Pain
Inspire Ire Inspire Rage Nano Feast Quick Bash
Quick Cut Shield of the Ogre Shrug Off Hits Stone Fist
Tear Ligaments Troll Form Vile Rage Violation Buffer
Projectile AC11453
Melee AC11463
Energy AC11208
Chemical AC11163
Radiation AC11893
Cold AC11403
Poison AC11243
Fire AC11653

Body development650
Max health12477
Max nano3550

Belt decks6
NCU memory718
Nano cost modifier-20
Experience modifier20
Weapon range20
Critical chance18
Offense modifier251
Defense modifier663

Martial arts384
1h Blunt858
1h Edged608
2h Edged522
2h Blunt548
Melee energy354
Fast attack587
Sneak attack432
Multi melee449

Ranged energy47
Aimed shot116
Bow special attack201
Sharp objects230
Heavy weapons171

Melee init-179
Ranged init-500
Physical init-254
Nano init25
Duck explosives243
Dodge ranged233
Evade close247
Run speed529
Nano resist880

Trade and Repair
Mechanical engineering91
Weapon smithing213
Nano programming250
Computer literacy456

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis369
Biological metamorphosis343
Psychological modifications390
Matter creation391
Time and space341
Sensory improvement349
First aid238


Map navigation55
Vehicle ground113

Projectile damage modifier114
Melee damage modifier157
Energy damage modifier126
Chemical damage modifier244
Radiation damage modifier124
Cold damage modifier126
Fire damage modifier157
Poison damage modifier129

Reflect projectile damage3
Reflect melee damage3
Reflect energy damage3
Reflect chemical damage4
Reflect radiation damage3
Reflect cold damage3
Reflect nano damage3
Reflect fire damage3
Reflect poison damage3
Maximum chemical reflect10

Shield projectile damage118
Shield melee damage118
Shield energy damage118
Shield chemical damage118
Shield radiation damage118
Shield cold damage118
Shield nano damage80
Shield fire damage118
Shield poison damage118

Heal delta133
Critical decrease4

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1Dreadloch Endurance Booster - Enforcer Special (QL250)
Hud 2Gallant Flapper Ribbon (QL250)
Hud 3Viral Targeting Subunit (QL300)
Utils 1Ancient Speed Preservation Unit (QL250)
Utils 2Star of Fortitude (QL250)
Utils 3Ancient Defender (QL250)
Right handDreadloch Enhanced Panther (QL300)
BeltHadrulf's Viral Belt Component Platform (QL300)
Left handOfab Panther Mk 6 (QL300)
Deck 1Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL300)
Deck 2Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL300)
Deck 3Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL300)
Deck 4Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL300)
Deck 5Hardcore CPU Upgrade (QL200)
Deck 6Virgo's Analytical Spirit Helper (QL250)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckClan Merits - Paragon (QL1)
HeadFly Catcher's Specs (QL150)
BackOFAB Enforcer Protective Gear (QL300)
Right shoulderSuperior Icy Shoulderpads of Brawn (QL1)
BodyCombined Mercenary's Jacket (QL300)
Left shoulderOFAB Enforcer Shoulder Wear (QL300)
Right armCombined Mercenary's Sleeves (QL300)
HandsCombined Mercenary's Gloves (QL300)
Left armCombined Mercenary's Sleeves (QL300)
Right wristMasterpiece Ancient Bracer (QL250)
LegsCombined Mercenary's Legwear (QL300)
Left wristBracelet of Arul Saba (Corroded Glory - 5/5 - Left) (QL200)
Right fingerPure Novictum Ring for the Infantry Unit (QL1)
FeetCombined Mercenary's Footwear (QL300)
Left fingerHold Hell at Bay (QL1)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeVigorous Ocular Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL230)
HeadAwakened Brain Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL180)
EarLiving Ear Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL210)
Right armVigorous Right Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL230)
BodyPersisting Chest Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL220)
Left armPersisting Left Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL220)
Right wristLiving Right Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL210)
WaistEffective Waist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL240)
Left wristEffective Left Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL240)
Right handPersisting Right Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL220)
LegsPersisting Thigh Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL220)
Left handVigorous Left Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL230)
FeetEffective Feet Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL240)

Perks (EDIT)
KneecappingLevel 10
Hard LaborLevel 10
MutateLevel 3
FlexibilityLevel 9
Form of TrollLevel 10
First AidLevel 2
Freak StrengthLevel 3
EnduranceLevel 9
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 10
Brawlers SenseLevel 9
BrutalityLevel 9
Bio ShieldingLevel 10
Alien Technology ExpertiseLevel 3
Blunt MasteryLevel 10
BrawlerLevel 4
Anger ManagementLevel 9
Edged MasteryLevel 1
Character (EDIT)
Name Willma
Dimension Atlantean
Level 220/22
Breed Solitus
Profession Enforcer

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