18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Alien Augmentation Device - DefensiveNano Controller UnitResearch Attunement Device - Defense Level Two
Alien BeaconBiomaterial Defensive ShieldCommunications Relay
Premium Bio-Energy ShieldReinforced NCU Component BeltShield of Asmodian
Morphing MemorySpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUSpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU
Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUHardcore CPU UpgradeInfused Viral Compiler
Omni-Tek Award - Triumphant Flags of Glory and RedemptionSureshot GlassesModified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat
Imbued Globe of ClarityCombined Scout's JacketImbued Globe of Clarity
Combined Scout's SleevesCombined Scout's GlovesCombined Scout's Sleeves
Sandy Piece of GooCombined Scout's LegwearSandy Piece of Goo
XtremTech's Ring of CastingCombined Scout's FootwearKyr'Ozch Nano Protection Ring
Persisting Ocular Symbiant, Control Unit AbanVigorous Brain Symbiant, Support Unit AbanVigorous Ear Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban
Right-Arm Implant: 1h Blunt, Refined Shiny JobeAwakened Chest Symbiant, Control Unit AbanLeft-Arm Implant: % Add All Def., Refined Shiny Jobe
Right-Wrist Implant: Run Speed, Refined ShinyVigorous Waist Symbiant, Extermination Unit AbanLeft-Wrist Implant: Mult. Melee, Refined Shiny
Vigorous Right Hand Symbiant, Support Unit AbanPersisting Thigh Symbiant, Control Unit AbanPersisting Left Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
 Persisting Feet Symbiant, Control Unit Aban 
Perk actions
Blinded by Delights Channel Rage Chaotic Assumption Combust
Dazzle With Lights Diffuse Rage Economic Nanobot Use Ego Strike
Hostile Takeover Mind Wail Nano Feast Regain Focus
Regain Nano Sow Despair Sow Doubt Spirit of Blessing
Spirit of Purity Thoughtful Means Zap Nano
Projectile AC5540
Melee AC5540
Energy AC5323
Chemical AC5779
Radiation AC5426
Cold AC6346
Poison AC6116
Fire AC5905

Nano pool268
Max health2798
Max nano2582

Belt decks6
NCU memory521
Nano cost modifier-27
Experience modifier19
Nano range14
Critical chance4
Offense modifier85
Defense modifier733

Martial arts116
1h Blunt158
2h Edged22
2h Blunt57
Melee energy144
Multi melee148

Aimed shot35
Bow special attack72

Melee init210
Ranged init240
Physical init312
Nano init987
Duck explosives546
Dodge ranged694
Evade close672
Run speed492
Nano resist940

Trade and Repair
Mechanical engineering235
Electrical engineering349
Quantum physics376
Weapon smithing213
Nano programming630
Computer literacy474

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis371
Biological metamorphosis369
Psychological modifications352
Matter creation400
Time and space415
Sensory improvement342
First aid231

Breaking and entry162
Trap disarming209

Map navigation111
Vehicle air111
Vehicle ground67
Vehicle water67

Projectile damage modifier20
Melee damage modifier20
Energy damage modifier20
Chemical damage modifier20
Radiation damage modifier20
Cold damage modifier20
Fire damage modifier20
Poison damage modifier20

Reflect fire damage30

Heal delta57
Nano delta28
Skill lock modifier-19
Nano interrupt chance25
Critical decrease3
Nano attack damage modifier4

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1Alien Augmentation Device - Defensive (QL150)
Hud 2Nano Controller Unit (QL202)
Hud 3Research Attunement Device - Defense Level Two (QL100)
Utils 1Alien Beacon (QL150)
Utils 2Biomaterial Defensive Shield (QL256)
Utils 3Communications Relay (QL300)
Right handPremium Bio-Energy Shield (QL200)
BeltReinforced NCU Component Belt (QL200)
Left handShield of Asmodian (QL199)
Deck 1Morphing Memory (QL200)
Deck 2Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL220)
Deck 3Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL220)
Deck 4Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL220)
Deck 5Hardcore CPU Upgrade (QL200)
Deck 6Infused Viral Compiler (QL300)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckOmni-Tek Award - Triumphant Flags of Glory and Redemption (QL1)
HeadSureshot Glasses (QL279)
BackModified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat (QL160)
Right shoulderImbued Globe of Clarity (QL1)
BodyCombined Scout's Jacket (QL264)
Left shoulderImbued Globe of Clarity (QL1)
Right armCombined Scout's Sleeves (QL264)
HandsCombined Scout's Gloves (QL264)
Left armCombined Scout's Sleeves (QL264)
Right wristSandy Piece of Goo (QL100)
LegsCombined Scout's Legwear (QL264)
Left wristSandy Piece of Goo (QL100)
Right fingerXtremTech's Ring of Casting (QL200)
FeetCombined Scout's Footwear (QL264)
Left fingerKyr'Ozch Nano Protection Ring (QL1)

Implants (EDIT)
EyePersisting Ocular Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL220)
HeadVigorous Brain Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL230)
EarVigorous Ear Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban (QL230)
Right armRight-Arm Implant: 1h Blunt, Shiny Jobe (QL250)
BodyAwakened Chest Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL180)
Left armLeft-Arm Implant: % Add All Def., Shiny Jobe (QL250)
Right wristRight-Wrist Implant: Run Speed, Shiny (QL248)
WaistVigorous Waist Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban (QL230)
Left wristLeft-Wrist Implant: Mult. Melee, Shiny (QL248)
Right handVigorous Right Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL230)
LegsPersisting Thigh Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL220)
Left handPersisting Left Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL220)
FeetPersisting Feet Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL220)

Perks (EDIT)
The Unknown FactorLevel 8
Soothing SpiritsLevel 5
Spatial AwarenessLevel 6
TraumaLevel 6
Notum RepulsorLevel 1
StarfallLevel 5
SympathyLevel 6
PerseverencesLevel 5
Opifex Secondary GenomeLevel 3
JealousyLevel 6
ForesightLevel 6
GeniusLevel 2
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 9
Channel RageLevel 4
Champion of Heavy InfantryLevel 4
AngstLevel 6
Character (EDIT)
(no valid character selected)

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