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Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Najmp: L100/10 Opifex Meta-Physicist on Atlantean
The Key to Roch's SanctuaryNano Controller UnitGurgling River Sprite
Floating AngelBiomaterial Defensive ShieldCommunications Relay
Mesmerizing Staff of FrancoisBelt Component Platform 6K-X 
Morphing MemorySpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUSpirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU
Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCUHardcore CPU UpgradeViral Compiler
Omni-Tek Award - Flags of Glory and RedemptionSureshot GlassesModified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat
Virral Triumvirate EggPenultimate Ofab Metaphysicist Body ArmorVirral Triumvirate Egg
Combined Scout's SleevesPenultimate Ofab Metaphysicist GlovesCombined Scout's Sleeves
Bracelet of Arul Saba (Silent Killer - 1/1 - Right)Combined Scout's LegwearBracelet of Arul Saba (Silent Killer - 1/1 - Left)
Ring of Luck - DefensiveCombined Scout's FootwearXtremTech's Ring of Casting
Residing Ocular Symbiant, Control Unit AbanPrevailing Brain Symbiant, Support Unit AbanPrevailing Ear Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban
Right-Arm Implant: 2h Blunt, Shiny JobeResiding Chest Symbiant, Extermination Unit AbanLeft-Arm Implant: % Add All Def., Shiny Jobe
Right-Wrist Implant: Run Speed, Shiny JobePrevailing Waist Symbiant, Extermination Unit AbanLeft-Wrist Implant: Mult. Melee, Shiny
Residing Right Hand Symbiant, Control Unit AbanResiding Thigh Symbiant, Control Unit AbanLeft-Hand Implant: Skill Time Lock Modifier, Bright Jobe
 Feet Implant: Evade-ClsC, Shiny Jobe 
Perk actions
Channel Rage Diffuse Rage Economic Nanobot Use Ken Fi
Mind Wail Nano Feast Regain Focus Sow Despair
Sow Doubt Spirit of Blessing
Projectile AC3215
Melee AC3215
Energy AC3147
Chemical AC3291
Radiation AC3078
Cold AC3291
Poison AC3647
Fire AC3147

Nano pool128
Max health2341
Max nano2644

Belt decks6
NCU memory459
Nano cost modifier-23
Experience modifier9
Weapon range6
Critical chance5
Offense modifier45
Defense modifier396

Martial arts5
1h Blunt10
2h Blunt216
Multi melee130

Aimed shot35
Bow special attack57

Melee init58
Ranged init58
Physical init115
Nano init935
Duck explosives240
Dodge ranged395
Evade close406
Run speed469
Nano resist322

Trade and Repair
Mechanical engineering124
Electrical engineering214
Quantum physics212
Weapon smithing177
Nano programming361
Computer literacy357

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis347
Biological metamorphosis330
Psychological modifications306
Matter creation369
Time and space365
Sensory improvement308
First aid149

Breaking and entry68
Trap disarming159

Map navigation66
Vehicle air66
Vehicle ground40
Vehicle water40

Projectile damage modifier26
Melee damage modifier26
Energy damage modifier26
Chemical damage modifier26
Radiation damage modifier26
Cold damage modifier26
Fire damage modifier26
Poison damage modifier75

Heal delta14
Skill lock modifier-10
Nano interrupt chance11
Critical decrease3
Nano attack damage modifier3

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1The Key to Roch's Sanctuary (QL1)
Hud 2Nano Controller Unit (QL60)
Hud 3Gurgling River Sprite (QL200)
Utils 1Floating Angel (QL1)
Utils 2Biomaterial Defensive Shield (QL180)
Utils 3Communications Relay (QL225)
Right handMesmerizing Staff of Francois (QL205)
BeltBelt Component Platform 6K-X (QL200)
Left hand(empty)
Deck 1Morphing Memory (QL200)
Deck 2Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL160)
Deck 3Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL160)
Deck 4Spirit Infused Yuttos Modified NCU (QL160)
Deck 5Hardcore CPU Upgrade (QL200)
Deck 6Viral Compiler (QL300)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckOmni-Tek Award - Flags of Glory and Redemption (QL8)
HeadSureshot Glasses (QL239)
BackModified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat (QL160)
Right shoulderVirral Triumvirate Egg (QL190)
BodyPenultimate Ofab Metaphysicist Body Armor (QL150)
Left shoulderVirral Triumvirate Egg (QL190)
Right armCombined Scout's Sleeves (QL161)
HandsPenultimate Ofab Metaphysicist Gloves (QL175)
Left armCombined Scout's Sleeves (QL161)
Right wristBracelet of Arul Saba (Silent Killer - 1/1 - Right) (QL80)
LegsCombined Scout's Legwear (QL161)
Left wristBracelet of Arul Saba (Silent Killer - 1/1 - Left) (QL80)
Right fingerRing of Luck - Defensive (QL140)
FeetCombined Scout's Footwear (QL161)
Left fingerXtremTech's Ring of Casting (QL125)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeResiding Ocular Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL130)
HeadPrevailing Brain Symbiant, Support Unit Aban (QL120)
EarPrevailing Ear Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban (QL120)
Right armRight-Arm Implant: 2h Blunt, Shiny Jobe (QL200)
BodyResiding Chest Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban (QL130)
Left armLeft-Arm Implant: % Add All Def., Shiny Jobe (QL200)
Right wristRight-Wrist Implant: Run Speed, Shiny Jobe (QL200)
WaistPrevailing Waist Symbiant, Extermination Unit Aban (QL120)
Left wristLeft-Wrist Implant: Mult. Melee, Shiny (QL200)
Right handResiding Right Hand Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL130)
LegsResiding Thigh Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL130)
Left handLeft-Hand Implant: Skill Time Lock Modifier, Bright Jobe (QL200)
FeetFeet Implant: Evade-ClsC, Shiny Jobe (QL200)

Perks (EDIT)
Soothing SpiritsLevel 4
Spatial AwarenessLevel 4
TraumaLevel 4
SympathyLevel 4
PerseverencesLevel 4
Nano DoctorateLevel 2
JealousyLevel 4
ForesightLevel 4
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 8
Channel RageLevel 4
Ancient KnowledgeLevel 2
AngstLevel 4
Character (EDIT)
Name Najmp
Dimension Atlantean
Level 100/10
Breed Opifex
Profession Meta-Physicist

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