18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Bioth: L220/23 Atrox Keeper on Rimor
The Key to Cama's SanctuaryStellar Keeper NanodeckViral Targeting Subunit
Melee Fighter's Force ManualBiomaterial Defensive ShieldCommunications Relay
Pride of the XanXan's Viral Belt Component Platform 
Yuttos Modified NCUProtected Safeguarded NCU Memory UnitViral Memory Storage Unit
Viral Memory Storage UnitCapricorn's Reliable MemoryTaurus' Spirit of Reflection
Clan Merits - Xan Defense ParagonCombined Mercenary's HeadwearCloak of the Reanimated Gladiator (5/5)
Superior Icy Shoulderpads of BrawnPenultimate Ofab Keeper Body ArmorMight of the Revenant
Penultimate Ofab Keeper SleevesStrong Armor GlovesPenultimate Ofab Keeper Sleeves
Perfected Infused Dust Brigade BracerCombined Mercenary's LegwearMasterpiece Ancient Bracer
Pure Novictum Ring for the Infantry UnitLeo's Faithful Boots of Ancient GoldHold Hell at Bay
Growing Ocular Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanAwakened Brain Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanGrowing Ear Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Vigorous Right Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanLiving Chest Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanLiving Left Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Surviving Right Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanPersisting Waist Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanGrowing Left Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Enduring Right Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanAwakened Thigh Symbiant, Infantry Unit AbanGrowing Left Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
 Effective Feet Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban 
Perk actions
Ambient Purification Benevolent Barrier Bio Cocoon Bio Regrowth
Bio Rejuvenation Bio Shield Blade Whirlwind Bluntness
Body Tackle Break Cleave Curing Touch
Deep Cuts Devotional Armor Eschew the Faithless Faithful Reconstruction
Honor Restored Honoring the Ancients Ignore the Unrepentant Lay on Hands
Pain Lance Pure Strike Righteous Smite Righteous Strike
Slice and Dice Subjugation Symbiotic Bypass Transfix
Virtuous Reaper
Projectile AC9832
Melee AC9912
Energy AC9321
Chemical AC9548
Radiation AC9922
Cold AC9599
Poison AC9514
Fire AC9746

Body development341
Max health12476
Max nano4870

Belt decks6
NCU memory770
Experience modifier24
Weapon range21
Critical chance14
Offense modifier268
Defense modifier619

Martial arts293
1h Blunt315
1h Edged315
2h Edged987
2h Blunt440
Melee energy653
Fast attack568
Sneak attack388
Multi melee307

Ranged energy41
Aimed shot101
Bow special attack180
Sharp objects185
Heavy weapons168

Melee init-1
Ranged init-367
Physical init-123
Nano init139
Duck explosives242
Dodge ranged375
Evade close356
Run speed737
Nano resist879

Trade and Repair
Mechanical engineering91
Weapon smithing192
Nano programming250
Computer literacy441

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis233
Biological metamorphosis327
Psychological modifications288
Matter creation225
Time and space250
Sensory improvement270
First aid159


Map navigation55
Vehicle ground102

Projectile damage modifier253
Melee damage modifier280
Energy damage modifier253
Chemical damage modifier266
Radiation damage modifier262
Cold damage modifier253
Nano damage modifier87
Fire damage modifier280
Poison damage modifier266

Reflect projectile damage3
Reflect melee damage3
Reflect energy damage3
Reflect chemical damage3
Reflect radiation damage3
Reflect cold damage3
Reflect nano damage3
Reflect fire damage3
Reflect poison damage3

Shield projectile damage112
Shield melee damage115
Shield energy damage112
Shield chemical damage115
Shield radiation damage112
Shield cold damage115
Shield nano damage80
Shield fire damage112
Shield poison damage115

Heal delta102
Nano delta4
Critical decrease2
Heal modifier6

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1The Key to Cama's Sanctuary (QL1)
Hud 2Stellar Keeper Nanodeck (QL1)
Hud 3Viral Targeting Subunit (QL266)
Utils 1Melee Fighter's Force Manual (QL135)
Utils 2Biomaterial Defensive Shield (QL235)
Utils 3Communications Relay (QL193)
Right handPride of the Xan (QL300)
BeltXan's Viral Belt Component Platform (QL300)
Left hand(empty)
Deck 1Yuttos Modified NCU (QL219)
Deck 2Protected Safeguarded NCU Memory Unit (QL200)
Deck 3Viral Memory Storage Unit (QL300)
Deck 4Viral Memory Storage Unit (QL275)
Deck 5Capricorn's Reliable Memory (QL250)
Deck 6Taurus' Spirit of Reflection (QL250)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckClan Merits - Xan Defense Paragon (QL1)
HeadCombined Mercenary's Headwear (QL285)
BackCloak of the Reanimated Gladiator (5/5) (QL100)
Right shoulderSuperior Icy Shoulderpads of Brawn (QL1)
BodyPenultimate Ofab Keeper Body Armor (QL300)
Left shoulderMight of the Revenant (QL1)
Right armPenultimate Ofab Keeper Sleeves (QL300)
HandsStrong Armor Gloves (QL300)
Left armPenultimate Ofab Keeper Sleeves (QL300)
Right wristPerfected Infused Dust Brigade Bracer (QL250)
LegsCombined Mercenary's Legwear (QL300)
Left wristMasterpiece Ancient Bracer (QL250)
Right fingerPure Novictum Ring for the Infantry Unit (QL1)
FeetLeo's Faithful Boots of Ancient Gold (QL250)
Left fingerHold Hell at Bay (QL1)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeGrowing Ocular Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL200)
HeadAwakened Brain Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL180)
EarGrowing Ear Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL200)
Right armVigorous Right Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL230)
BodyLiving Chest Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL210)
Left armLiving Left Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL210)
Right wristSurviving Right Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL150)
WaistPersisting Waist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL220)
Left wristGrowing Left Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL200)
Right handEnduring Right Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL190)
LegsAwakened Thigh Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL180)
Left handGrowing Left Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL200)
FeetEffective Feet Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban (QL240)

Perks (EDIT)
VirtueLevel 10
WisdomLevel 8
ReaverLevel 10
Street SamuraiLevel 7
ParagonLevel 8
JudgementLevel 10
LoyaltyLevel 8
Bio ShieldingLevel 10
ChampionLevel 10
Champion of Heavy InfantryLevel 10
Alien Technology ExpertiseLevel 3
BlessingLevel 10
Atrox Primary GenomeLevel 6
ExemplarLevel 10
Character (EDIT)
Name Bioth
Dimension Rimor
Level 220/23
Breed Atrox
Profession Keeper

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