18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Techbro: L220/30 Nano Nano-Technician on Atlantean
Stellar Nano-Technician NanodeckDreadloch Endurance Booster - Nanomage EditionResearch Attunement Device - Defense Level Three
Ancient DefenderInfused Ancient DefenderInfused Ancient Vision Preservation Unit
Izgimmer Speed-modified CyberdeckXan's Viral Belt Component Platform 
Infused Morphing MemoryProtected Safeguarded NCU Memory UnitInfused Computer Deck Range Increaser
Infused NCU Coolant SinkWell Balanced Spirit Helper of LibraInfused Viral Compiler
Omni-Tek Award - Xan Defense ExemplarSpecial Edition Ofab Nano Technician HelmetModified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat
SSC "Bastion" Right Shoulder Armor - CollatzMystical Force Tight ShirtSSC "Bastion" Left Shoulder Armor - Collatz
Penultimate Ofab Nano Technician SleevesCombined Scout's GlovesPenultimate Ofab Nano Technician Sleeves
Perfected Infused Dust Brigade BracerGreaves of MalfeasanceMasterpiece Ancient Bracer
NTs' Ring of NanoTechnicPenultimate Ofab Nano Technician BootsTechno Wizard's Signet of The Apocalypse
Xan Ocular Symbiant, Extermination Unit AlphaXan Brain Symbiant, Extermination Unit AlphaXan Ear Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha
Xan Right Arm Symbiant, Extermination Unit AlphaXan Chest Symbiant, Extermination Unit AlphaXan Left Arm Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha
Xan Right Wrist Symbiant, Extermination Unit AlphaXan Waist Symbiant, Extermination Unit AlphaXan Left Wrist Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha
Xan Right Hand Symbiant, Extermination Unit AlphaXan Thigh Symbiant, Extermination Unit AlphaXan Left Hand Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha
 Xan Feet Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha 
Perk actions
Accelerated Reality Assume Target Bot Confinement Breach Defenses
Circular Logic Combust Dazzle With Lights Fade Anger
Flim Focus Harvest Energy Increase Momentum Layered Amnesty
Looping Service Nano Feast Nano Heal Optimized Library
Pen Powered Nano Fortress Program Overload Quark Containment Field
Skill Drain Removal Source Tap Supernova Tap Notum Source
Thermal Detonation Thermal Reprieve Tick Unstable Library
Utilize Zap Nano
Projectile AC7969
Melee AC7969
Energy AC7949
Chemical AC8221
Radiation AC7929
Cold AC8276
Poison AC8056
Fire AC8581

Body development15
Nano pool364
Max health10503
Max nano16188

Belt decks6
NCU memory691
Nano cost modifier-37
Experience modifier22
Weapon range5
Nano range197
Critical chance3
Offense modifier216
Defense modifier1000

Assault rifle-2000
Ranged energy-2000
Fling shot-1942
Full auto-2000
Aimed shot-2000
Heavy weapons-2000

Melee init70
Ranged init70
Physical init70
Nano init2104
Duck explosives588
Dodge ranged653
Evade close653
Run speed913
Nano resist1659

Trade and Repair
Mechanical engineering30
Electrical engineering30
Quantum physics174
Weapon smithing30
Nano programming676
Computer literacy559

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis442
Biological metamorphosis532
Psychological modifications562
Matter creation734
Time and space594
Sensory improvement492
First aid335

Breaking and entry319
Trap disarming30

Map navigation289
Vehicle air289
Vehicle ground289
Vehicle water289

Projectile damage modifier154
Melee damage modifier135
Energy damage modifier135
Chemical damage modifier135
Radiation damage modifier135
Cold damage modifier135
Fire damage modifier135
Poison damage modifier135

Heal delta92
Nano delta204
Skill lock modifier-26
Nano interrupt chance115
Critical decrease2
Heal modifier4
Nano attack damage modifier27

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1Stellar Nano-Technician Nanodeck (QL1)
Hud 2Dreadloch Endurance Booster - Nanomage Edition (QL250)
Hud 3Research Attunement Device - Defense Level Three (QL100)
Utils 1Ancient Defender (QL250)
Utils 2Infused Ancient Defender (QL250)
Utils 3Infused Ancient Vision Preservation Unit (QL250)
Right handIzgimmer Speed-modified Cyberdeck (QL1)
BeltXan's Viral Belt Component Platform (QL300)
Left hand(empty)
Deck 1Infused Morphing Memory (QL250)
Deck 2Protected Safeguarded NCU Memory Unit (QL200)
Deck 3Infused Computer Deck Range Increaser (QL250)
Deck 4Infused NCU Coolant Sink (QL250)
Deck 5Well Balanced Spirit Helper of Libra (QL250)
Deck 6Infused Viral Compiler (QL300)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckOmni-Tek Award - Xan Defense Exemplar (QL1)
HeadSpecial Edition Ofab Nano Technician Helmet (QL300)
BackModified NotuComm Mesh Trenchcoat (QL160)
Right shoulderSSC "Bastion" Right Shoulder Armor - Collatz (QL1)
BodyMystical Force Tight Shirt (QL300)
Left shoulderSSC "Bastion" Left Shoulder Armor - Collatz (QL1)
Right armPenultimate Ofab Nano Technician Sleeves (QL300)
HandsCombined Scout's Gloves (QL300)
Left armPenultimate Ofab Nano Technician Sleeves (QL300)
Right wristPerfected Infused Dust Brigade Bracer (QL250)
LegsGreaves of Malfeasance (QL300)
Left wristMasterpiece Ancient Bracer (QL250)
Right fingerNTs' Ring of NanoTechnic (QL300)
FeetPenultimate Ofab Nano Technician Boots (QL300)
Left fingerTechno Wizard's Signet of The Apocalypse (QL1)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeXan Ocular Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
HeadXan Brain Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
EarXan Ear Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
Right armXan Right Arm Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
BodyXan Chest Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
Left armXan Left Arm Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
Right wristXan Right Wrist Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
WaistXan Waist Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
Left wristXan Left Wrist Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
Right handXan Right Hand Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
LegsXan Thigh Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
Left handXan Left Hand Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)
FeetXan Feet Symbiant, Extermination Unit Alpha (QL300)

Perks (EDIT)
Notum RepulsorLevel 1
StarfallLevel 10
Notum SiphonLevel 10
Theoretical ResearchLevel 3
Particle PhysicsLevel 10
Practical UseLevel 10
Nanobreed Secondary GenomeLevel 3
Nano DoctorateLevel 7
NanomorphLevel 7
Nano TheoryLevel 10
Intellectual RefinementLevel 10
DisciplineLevel 10
Enhanced Nano DamageLevel 6
Essence of NotumLevel 3
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 10
Combat ExecutionLevel 10
Kinetic MasteryLevel 10
Ancient MatrixLevel 10
Character (EDIT)
Name Techbro
Dimension Atlantean
Level 220/30
Breed Nano
Profession Nano-Technician

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