18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Roxshade: L1/0 Atrox Soldier on Rimor
Stellar Shade NanodeckDreadloch Stab Guidance SystemResearch Attunement Device - Defense Level Three
Infused Ancient Vision Preservation UnitInfused Ancient DefenderAncient Vision Preservation Unit
Premium Supernova Mk VIXan's Viral Belt Component PlatformDeceit of the Xan
Memory NCU (6/6)Protected Safeguarded NCU Memory UnitPiercing Skill NCU (6/6)
Piercing Skill NCU (6/6)Piercing Skill NCU (6/6)Infused Viral Compiler
Xan Combat Merit Board BaseCombined Commando's HeadwearBlood-Soaked Cloak of Dishonour
Imbued Globe of ClarityCombined Commando's JacketImbued Globe of Clarity
Combined Commando's SleevesPenultimate Ofab Shade GlovesCombined Commando's Sleeves
Perfected Infused Dust Brigade BracerCombined Commando's LegwearMasterpiece Ancient Bracer
Hold Hell at BayCombined Commando's FootwearShades' Ring of Shadows
Xan Spirit of Stealth - AlphaXan Brain Spirit of Intellect - AlphaXan Spirit of Secrecy Whispered - Alpha
Xan Right Limb Spirit of Strength - AlphaXan Heart Spirit of Knowledge - AlphaXan Left Limb Spirit of Defense - Alpha
Xan Spirit of Right Wrist Weakness - BetaXan Midriff Spirit of Power - AlphaTragic Spirit of Left Wrist Defense
Xan Right hand Spirit of Will - AlphaXan Spirit of Power - AlphaXan Left Hand Spirit of Strength - Beta
 Xan Spirit of Feet Defense - Alpha 
Perk actions
Blackened Legacy Blackheart Blur Bore
Capture Essence Capture Spirit Capture Vigor Capture Vitality
Chaos Ritual Concealed Surprise Crave Dance of Fools
Devious Spirit Diffuse Dimensional Fist Disorientate
Double Stab Drain Essence Elusive Spirit Ethereal Touch
Evasive Stance Exultation Gore Hecatomb
Impale Lacerate Limber Misdirection
Perforate Sap Life Shadowed Gift Siphon Being
Stab Toxic Confusion Twisted Caress Unsealed Blight
Unsealed Contagion Unsealed Pestilence
Projectile AC6618
Melee AC6650
Energy AC7019
Chemical AC6392
Radiation AC6808
Cold AC6340
Poison AC7019
Fire AC6392

Body development75
Nano pool245
Max health5954
Max nano3987

Belt decks6
NCU memory488
Experience modifier12
Weapon range5
Critical chance4
Offense modifier398
Defense modifier1246

Martial arts515
1h Blunt276
1h Edged301
2h Edged176
2h Blunt176
Melee energy176
Fast attack613
Sneak attack495
Multi melee407

Assault rifle146
Ranged energy146
Fling shot146
Full auto146
Aimed shot146
Bow special attack146
Multi ranged176
Sharp objects146
Heavy weapons146

Melee init339
Ranged init100
Physical init196
Nano init760
Duck explosives725
Dodge ranged782
Evade close852
Run speed325
Nano resist924

Trade and Repair
Computer literacy195

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis272
Biological metamorphosis337
Psychological modifications304
Matter creation278
Time and space343
Sensory improvement242
First aid60

Breaking and entry96

Map navigation320
Vehicle air320
Vehicle ground320
Vehicle water320

Projectile damage modifier173
Melee damage modifier194
Energy damage modifier194
Chemical damage modifier194
Radiation damage modifier173
Cold damage modifier173
Fire damage modifier173
Poison damage modifier194

Heal delta171
Nano delta9
Critical decrease82
Heal modifier4

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1Stellar Shade Nanodeck (QL1)
Hud 2Dreadloch Stab Guidance System (QL250)
Hud 3Research Attunement Device - Defense Level Three (QL100)
Utils 1Infused Ancient Vision Preservation Unit (QL250)
Utils 2Infused Ancient Defender (QL250)
Utils 3Ancient Vision Preservation Unit (QL250)
Right handPremium Supernova Mk VI (QL200)
BeltXan's Viral Belt Component Platform (QL300)
Left handDeceit of the Xan (QL300)
Deck 1Memory NCU (6/6) (QL200)
Deck 2Protected Safeguarded NCU Memory Unit (QL200)
Deck 3Piercing Skill NCU (6/6) (QL300)
Deck 4Piercing Skill NCU (6/6) (QL300)
Deck 5Piercing Skill NCU (6/6) (QL200)
Deck 6Infused Viral Compiler (QL300)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckXan Combat Merit Board Base (QL1)
HeadCombined Commando's Headwear (QL300)
BackBlood-Soaked Cloak of Dishonour (QL250)
Right shoulderImbued Globe of Clarity (QL1)
BodyCombined Commando's Jacket (QL254)
Left shoulderImbued Globe of Clarity (QL1)
Right armCombined Commando's Sleeves (QL300)
HandsPenultimate Ofab Shade Gloves (QL300)
Left armCombined Commando's Sleeves (QL298)
Right wristPerfected Infused Dust Brigade Bracer (QL250)
LegsCombined Commando's Legwear (QL298)
Left wristMasterpiece Ancient Bracer (QL250)
Right fingerHold Hell at Bay (QL1)
FeetCombined Commando's Footwear (QL300)
Left fingerShades' Ring of Shadows (QL300)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeXan Spirit of Stealth - Alpha (QL300)
HeadXan Brain Spirit of Intellect - Alpha (QL300)
EarXan Spirit of Secrecy Whispered - Alpha (QL300)
Right armXan Right Limb Spirit of Strength - Alpha (QL300)
BodyXan Heart Spirit of Knowledge - Alpha (QL280)
Left armXan Left Limb Spirit of Defense - Alpha (QL300)
Right wristXan Spirit of Right Wrist Weakness - Beta (QL250)
WaistXan Midriff Spirit of Power - Alpha (QL300)
Left wristTragic Spirit of Left Wrist Defense (QL250)
Right handXan Right hand Spirit of Will - Alpha (QL300)
LegsXan Spirit of Power - Alpha (QL300)
Left handXan Left Hand Spirit of Strength - Beta (QL250)
FeetXan Spirit of Feet Defense - Alpha (QL300)

Perks (EDIT)
Stiletto MasteryLevel 10
Spirit PhylacteryLevel 10
ShadowLevel 10
Sublime RapportLevel 6
Piercing MasteryLevel 10
Killing BlowsLevel 10
Honed SensesLevel 10
LitheLevel 10
Malicious ForethoughtLevel 10
Champion of Light InfantryLevel 10
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 4
Careful in BattleLevel 10
AmbushingLevel 10
AcrobatLevel 4
Assassin's AwarenessLevel 10
Character (EDIT)
Name Roxshade
Dimension Rimor
Level 1/0
Breed Atrox
Profession Soldier

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