18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Sassytrade: L60/0 Solitus Trader on Atlantean
Yatamutchy Movement Predictor -X7B HUD Upgrade: Enhanced Target Acquisition
Light BarTreatment Library 
Customized IMI Desert Reet 1000Belt Component Platform 6K-XUncle Bazzit Diplomatic
32 - 63 NCU Memory32 - 63 NCU Memory32 - 63 NCU Memory
32 - 63 NCU Memory32 - 63 NCU MemoryNano Formula Recompiler
Collar Casero de la CriptaCAS Symbiotic Armor HelmetNeleb's Nano-circuit Robe
Barrow StrengthMetallic Mantis Body ArmorWithered Flesh
Metallic Mantis Armor SleevesRockcrusher GauntletsMetallic Mantis Armor Sleeves
Bracelet of Amplified SoundMetallic Mantis Armor LegsBracelet of Amplified Sound
Platinum Ring of the ThreeCAS Symbiotic Armor BootsNotum Ring of the Three
Eye Implant: Aimed Shot, ShinyHead Implant: Time & Space, ShinyEar Implant: Concealment, Bright
Right-Arm Implant: Strength, ShinyChest Implant: Max Health, ShinyLeft-Arm Implant: Strength, Bright
Right-Wrist Implant: Pistol, ShinyWaist Implant: Cold AC, ShinyLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Shiny
Right-Hand Implant: Shotgun, BrightLeg Implant: Agility, ShinyLeft-Hand Implant: Fire AC, Bright
 Feet Implant: Evade-ClsC, Shiny 
Projectile AC1712
Melee AC1845
Energy AC1858
Chemical AC1568
Radiation AC1291
Cold AC1454
Poison AC1331
Fire AC1478

Body development30
Nano pool30
Max health738
Max nano369

Belt decks6
NCU memory239
Weapon range30
Critical chance1


Fling shot33
Aimed shot98
Multi ranged132

Melee init30
Ranged init283
Physical init30
Nano init213
Duck explosives30
Dodge ranged50
Evade close113
Run speed72
Nano resist63

Trade and Repair
Computer literacy4

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis41
Biological metamorphosis54
Psychological modifications83
Matter creation8
Time and space79
Sensory improvement11
First aid55


Projectile damage modifier59
Melee damage modifier59
Energy damage modifier59
Chemical damage modifier43
Radiation damage modifier43
Cold damage modifier43
Fire damage modifier43
Poison damage modifier43

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1Yatamutchy Movement Predictor -Xl1 (QL101)
Hud 2(empty)
Hud 3HUD Upgrade: Enhanced Target Acquisition (QL100)
Utils 1Light Bar (QL1)
Utils 2Treatment Library (QL92)
Utils 3(empty)
Right handCustomized IMI Desert Reet 1000 (QL80)
BeltBelt Component Platform 6K-X (QL160)
Left handExcellent Uncle Bazzit Diplomatic (QL109)
Deck 164 NCU Memory (QL144)
Deck 264 NCU Memory (QL144)
Deck 364 NCU Memory (QL141)
Deck 464 NCU Memory (QL127)
Deck 564 NCU Memory (QL125)
Deck 6Nano Formula Recompiler (QL100)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckCollar Casero de la Cripta (QL100)
HeadCAS Symbiotic Armor Helmet (QL80)
BackNeleb's Nano-circuit Robe (QL50)
Right shoulderBarrow Strength (QL1)
BodyMetallic Mantis Body Armor (QL74)
Left shoulderWithered Flesh (QL1)
Right armMetallic Mantis Armor Sleeves (QL93)
HandsRockcrusher Gauntlets (QL1)
Left armMetallic Mantis Armor Sleeves (QL94)
Right wristBracelet of Amplified Sound (QL1)
LegsMetallic Mantis Armor Legs (QL88)
Left wristBracelet of Amplified Sound (QL1)
Right fingerPlatinum Ring of the Three (QL1)
FeetCAS Symbiotic Armor Boots (QL75)
Left fingerNotum Ring of the Three (QL1)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeEye Implant: Aimed Shot, Shiny (QL120)
HeadHead Implant: Time & Space, Shiny (QL131)
EarEar Implant: Concealment, Bright (QL154)
Right armRight-Arm Implant: Strength, Shiny (QL156)
BodyChest Implant: Max Health, Shiny (QL142)
Left armLeft-Arm Implant: Strength, Bright (QL156)
Right wristRight-Wrist Implant: Pistol, Shiny (QL155)
WaistWaist Implant: Cold AC, Shiny (QL154)
Left wristLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Shiny (QL156)
Right handRight-Hand Implant: Shotgun, Bright (QL147)
LegsLeg Implant: Agility, Shiny (QL154)
Left handLeft-Hand Implant: Fire AC, Bright (QL156)
FeetFeet Implant: Evade-ClsC, Shiny (QL155)

Perks (EDIT)
(no perks)
Character (EDIT)
Name Sassytrade
Dimension Atlantean
Level 60/0
Breed Solitus
Profession Trader

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