18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Equipment Configurator

Character overview
Takun: L220/26 Solitus Engineer on Atlantean
Dreadloch Stabilising AidDreadloch Sniper's FriendViral Targeting Subunit
Stellar Engineer NanodeckInfused Ancient Nano EnhancerCommunications Relay
Sloth of the XanXan's Viral Belt Component Platform 
Sagittarius's Hearty Spirit HelperGrenade Skill NCU (6/6)Enhanced Safeguarded NCU Memory Unit
Cancer's Time-Saving MemoryVirgo's Practical Spirit HelperInfused Viral Compiler
Clan Merits - Xan Combat ParagonSunglasses of Syncopated HeartbeatsBurden of Competence
Superior Icy Shoulderpads of Explosive PowerEnhanced Dustbrigade Combat ChestpieceOFAB Engineer Shoulder Wear
Enhanced Dustbrigade SleevesCombined Sharpshooter's GlovesEnhanced Dustbrigade Sleeves
Perfected Infused Dust Brigade BracerCombined Sharpshooter's LegwearBracelet of Arul Saba (Jagged Landscape - 4/4 - Left)
Ring of Gruesome MiseryCombined Sharpshooter's FootwearRusty's Ring of Bolts
Xan Ocular Symbiant, Control Unit AlphaCognizant Brain Symbiant, Control Unit AbanCognizant Ear Symbiant, Control Unit Aban
Xan Right Arm Symbiant, Control Unit AlphaExcited Chest Symbiant, Control Unit AbanExcited Left Arm Symbiant, Control Unit Aban
Vital Right Wrist Symbiant, Control Unit AbanCognizant Waist Symbiant, Control Unit AbanLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Refined Shiny
Xan Right Hand Symbiant, Control Unit AlphaExcited Thigh Symbiant, Control Unit AbanExcited Left Hand Symbiant, Control Unit Aban
 Cognizant Feet Symbiant, Control Unit Aban 
Perk actions
Bio Cocoon Bio Regrowth Bio Rejuvenation Bio Shield
Bot Confinement Chemical Blindness Congenial Encasement Cushion Blows
Deconstruction Destructive Signal Destructive Theorem Drone Explosives
Endure Barrage Fire Frenzy Fuzz Ignition Flare
Install Explosive Device Install Notum Depletion Device Nano Feast Poison Sprinkle
Repair Pet Sabotage Quark Field Seal Wounds Splinter Preservation
Suppressive Primer Taint Wounds Thermal Primer
Projectile AC8430
Melee AC8430
Energy AC8135
Chemical AC8535
Radiation AC8325
Cold AC8325
Poison AC8535
Fire AC8220

Body development109
Nano pool288
Max health7874
Max nano6122

Belt decks6
NCU memory642
Nano cost modifier-19
Experience modifier20
Weapon range39
Nano range34
Critical chance27
Offense modifier280
Defense modifier576

Martial arts199
1h Blunt58

Assault rifle215
Ranged energy245
Fling shot463
Full auto90
Aimed shot115
Bow special attack90
Multi ranged289
Sharp objects90
Heavy weapons190

Melee init-228
Ranged init155
Physical init-228
Nano init1079
Duck explosives348
Dodge ranged363
Evade close364
Run speed589
Nano resist327

Trade and Repair
Mechanical engineering490
Electrical engineering448
Quantum physics445
Weapon smithing506
Nano programming535
Computer literacy545

Nano and Aiding
Matter metamorphosis527
Biological metamorphosis459
Psychological modifications455
Matter creation712
Time and space732
Sensory improvement453
First aid268

Breaking and entry310
Trap disarming310

Map navigation276
Vehicle air276
Vehicle ground270
Vehicle water270

Projectile damage modifier234
Melee damage modifier152
Energy damage modifier152
Chemical damage modifier152
Radiation damage modifier152
Cold damage modifier152
Fire damage modifier152
Poison damage modifier152

Reflect projectile damage3
Reflect melee damage3
Reflect energy damage3
Reflect chemical damage3
Reflect radiation damage3
Reflect cold damage3
Reflect nano damage3
Reflect fire damage3
Reflect poison damage3

Shield projectile damage80
Shield melee damage80
Shield energy damage80
Shield chemical damage80
Shield radiation damage80
Shield cold damage80
Shield nano damage80
Shield fire damage80
Shield poison damage80

Heal delta128
Nano delta144
Skill lock modifier-22
Nano interrupt chance28
Critical decrease4
Heal modifier4

Equipment editing
Weapons (EDIT)
Hud 1Dreadloch Stabilising Aid (QL250)
Hud 2Dreadloch Sniper's Friend (QL250)
Hud 3Viral Targeting Subunit (QL281)
Utils 1Stellar Engineer Nanodeck (QL1)
Utils 2Infused Ancient Nano Enhancer (QL250)
Utils 3Communications Relay (QL285)
Right handSloth of the Xan (QL300)
BeltXan's Viral Belt Component Platform (QL300)
Left hand(empty)
Deck 1Sagittarius's Hearty Spirit Helper (QL250)
Deck 2Grenade Skill NCU (6/6) (QL200)
Deck 3Enhanced Safeguarded NCU Memory Unit (QL200)
Deck 4Cancer's Time-Saving Memory (QL250)
Deck 5Virgo's Practical Spirit Helper (QL250)
Deck 6Infused Viral Compiler (QL300)

Clothing (EDIT)
NeckClan Merits - Xan Combat Paragon (QL1)
HeadSunglasses of Syncopated Heartbeats (QL100)
BackBurden of Competence (QL300)
Right shoulderSuperior Icy Shoulderpads of Explosive Power (QL1)
BodyEnhanced Dustbrigade Combat Chestpiece (QL200)
Left shoulderOFAB Engineer Shoulder Wear (QL300)
Right armEnhanced Dustbrigade Sleeves (QL200)
HandsCombined Sharpshooter's Gloves (QL300)
Left armEnhanced Dustbrigade Sleeves (QL200)
Right wristPerfected Infused Dust Brigade Bracer (QL250)
LegsCombined Sharpshooter's Legwear (QL300)
Left wristBracelet of Arul Saba (Jagged Landscape - 4/4 - Left) (QL165)
Right fingerRing of Gruesome Misery (QL250)
FeetCombined Sharpshooter's Footwear (QL300)
Left fingerRusty's Ring of Bolts (QL300)

Implants (EDIT)
EyeXan Ocular Symbiant, Control Unit Alpha (QL300)
HeadCognizant Brain Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL270)
EarCognizant Ear Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL270)
Right armXan Right Arm Symbiant, Control Unit Alpha (QL300)
BodyExcited Chest Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL250)
Left armExcited Left Arm Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL250)
Right wristVital Right Wrist Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL260)
WaistCognizant Waist Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL270)
Left wristLeft-Wrist Implant: Multi Ranged, Shiny (QL300)
Right handXan Right Hand Symbiant, Control Unit Alpha (QL300)
LegsExcited Thigh Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL250)
Left handExcited Left Hand Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL250)
FeetCognizant Feet Symbiant, Control Unit Aban (QL270)

Perks (EDIT)
TinkererLevel 4
SerendipityLevel 9
Practical ApplicationLevel 5
Process RefinementLevel 9
MechanicLevel 10
Mechanical AssistanceLevel 10
ErgonomicsLevel 9
Combat ApplicationsLevel 10
DemolitionsLevel 10
Champion of Nano CombatLevel 10
Bio ShieldingLevel 10
AlchemistLevel 6
Alien Technology ExpertiseLevel 3
Champion of Heavy ArtilleryLevel 10
Character (EDIT)
Name Takun
Dimension Atlantean
Level 220/26
Breed Solitus
Profession Engineer

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