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Item Database - Trimmer - Positive Aggdef

Trimmer - Positive Aggdef Icon #12697 This trimmer is used on a robot pet to change their settings, or to 'trim' their performance. Function: AggDef (the slider in your statview) is set to the Quality Level of the trimmer. The Adjustment is permanent, and you may adjust the target's setting as often as you like. NOTE: Even if you get a higher level version of this item, you might want to hang on to this one. Are you sure you do not want this configuration sometime?
Flags Visible, Modified Description
Can Carry, Use
Patch 11.0 11.3 12.5 12.8 13.6 17.5 18.1 18.4.11
Change QL:
Value 300000
Attack time 1s
On Use User Hit Current nano -800 .. -800  
Target Set Agg/Def 100  
Target Graphics Effect #45071  
Skarmory @ 2005-04-25 18:57
Is this one use or multi-use?
Keex @ 2005-05-05 23:41
Multi Use
Xyphos @ 2007-05-24 04:28
Basically, this adjusts your bot's Agg/Def slider and is a permanent effect.
QL100 Positive would equal to full agg position, which most high level bots use since they can take quite a beating.
This in combination with the tradeskill-only "Trimmer - Increase Aggressiveness" would make the bot hold agg more often then the engineer would.
Kingduck @ 2008-05-12 00:21
houserocker @ 2016-01-17 23:16
This trimmer has a much bigger effect on overall damage than Trimmer - Divert Energy to Offense, make sure to start using it as soon as you can (and crats too!).
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