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Item Database - Excellent IQ Ring

Excellent IQ Ring Icon #289767 This ring will increase your understanding of matters around you - and your rate of learning. It functions by reducing the need for REM sleep by the brain stem to achieve long term potentiation by the neurons. (Biologically grown memory...)
Flags Visible, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch current
196 (interpolated between QL 1 and QL 200)
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Right finger, Left finger
Value 979920
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 0.2kg
Max health 110
To Equip User Intelligence >= 99
On Equip User Modify Experience modifier 7  
lol @ 2002-08-18 13:40
where does the +7% drop?
cableguyzero @ 2002-09-24 18:15
No one ever Answered where is the 7% ring dropped or who has one for sell.
candywoman @ 2002-10-07 10:15
I found mine in a chest loot in Broken Shores ( Home) QL 185 Mission
sinistral @ 2003-05-31 12:22
IQ Rings are dropping in missions, they are rare, but I've got 2 in missions around ql 180-200
skybert @ 2003-12-09 08:37
so the ring lost the unique-tag, but still has a wrong description. hmmmm.....
Talan @ 2005-01-09 10:39
I really wish they would change the description on these rings, its annoying getting into arguments with people who think it will blow up in they take it off or something.
Talan @ 2005-01-31 22:04
I also wish people wouldn't use the comments section for wtb crap... go use the market forums!
FiL_ClayMoRe @ 2005-04-28 19:34
max healt 110?
Nafeyn @ 2005-05-08 12:28
my IQ ring ql 200 (7%) droped at the cyborg barracks in the north east of meetmedere, anyone know
blasterx79 @ 2005-10-10 21:15
my Q200 IQ ring was dropped at the ruins in mort by a borg, nice how it adds the extra XP
Comi @ 2005-12-10 03:18
Drops in RK mishs 185+
nStop149 @ 2006-05-20 21:09
buy one for 8.5m:)
bartje @ 2006-06-07 11:18
u get one when u go to test server....
Sniv @ 2006-09-09 05:12
One can find it in chests and boxes in mishes sometimes, also in Cyborg Generals.
Got 4 of 'em on 2 chars now, awesome if you got pool and do a mish with a crat in team
with poolperk and baton :)
MrLynn @ 2008-05-30 09:01
nStop149 @ 2006-05-20 21:09

buy one for 8.5m:)

not..i bought mine for 3.5 mil
demmonia @ 2008-07-13 14:20
I _sold_ mine for 11m ^^
ro0bin @ 2009-03-20 16:14
1% = ql 1-17
2% = ql 18-50
3% = ql 51-83
4% = ql 84-117
5% = ql 118-151
6% = Ql 152-183
7% = Ql 184-200
hellmaker @ 2010-03-08 17:21
Binarybot @ 2010-09-20 10:32
Love the old requirements:

To Equip User Intelligence += 101
To Unequip User Level += 190

So you were committed to it once you put it on until you hit that level or deleted the item (can no longer delete items being worn in OA due to exploit issues)
gimpmasta @ 2011-02-27 03:29
Lol I love the descriptions sometimes. I wonder if a roleplayer would wear these and pretend they never slept...
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