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Item Database - Computer Literacy Tutoring Device

Computer Literacy Tutoring Device Icon #99293 This fancy piece of Cognitive Transference Machinery (CTM) will enable a person to 'hold' some of the users' knowledge in a specific area. Using this item will transfer some Computer Literacy skill to your target. The effect lasts in 30 seconds. Both you and your target is locked from transferring more knowledge in that particular area for 40 seconds. It can be used to enable implants. The receiver must have some 'compatible' level of knowledge to be able to receive more...
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Use, Apply Friendly
Patch 11.0 11.3 12.5 13.6 13.8 15.0.1 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 50000
Attack time 0.1s
Range 3 m
To Use User Tutoring >= 1001 and
User Computer literacy >= 501 and
Target Computer literacy >= 401
On Use User Temporary Computer literacy for 300s -300  
Target Temporary Computer literacy for 300s 300  
Target Graphics Effect #13600  
User Lock Computer literacy 40s  
Target Lock Computer literacy 40s  
Float Text Hello Al..  
On Activate Self AddSkill Computer literacy 3  
catalyste @ 2003-11-14 09:18
50? 50!??? Sigh I was hoping for more, that is a LOT of tutoring for so little a help...bleah
Sypiken @ 2004-12-06 00:06
=P Enugh
qwayke @ 2006-09-11 05:13
Check out if ya wanna see it the way it was ment to be.
rattjamann @ 2006-10-29 00:22
holy crap! no wonder they changed it..
prenoud @ 2008-06-17 04:17
So here's what you do (and this advice is comming from ody) you only need 34% skill lock modifier to make this double up for 1 second... or, get up to 50% and it'll double up for 30 seconds. That's a total of +100 comp lit w/ a ql 200. Get someone to use the Redeem Last Wish perk on you, which is 20%, get a crat to cast Improved Cut Red Tape on you for 3%, then get some of the symbs which have skill lock modifier... so it's really easy to double up the effects of tutoring devices even at low levels. I know that, if you get everything you need, these professions can do it at level 59: trader, crat, mp, engineer.
Zinrax @ 2008-10-28 19:00
Is it possbile to use it on others? like have 5 people use it on me at the same time for +250CL just from friends? =P
sniperz25 @ 2008-11-07 05:55

You sir are a twinking mastermind. :D
Vxrniss @ 2009-01-04 17:48
As twinking mastermind you might have wanted to do some more research. :P
QL 51+ Control Crepuscule -2% skill-lock and equippable by a TL2, 6 parts have it. (No head) :)
12+3+20 = 35% on toons as low as 15-21 without any implants/symbiants.
zerogates @ 2009-02-10 22:55
level 22 can also get an additional 1 point of skill lock modifier from leg symbiants, trader engie MP and crat.
Kinsqo @ 2013-02-05 03:13
A cpl years later question is @ Vxrniss. lvl 12-21 may get these skill-lock to double the effect of a ql 200 cl device, but 1k tutoring?!! 'are pioneer backpack stackable ?:P
mr_no_skill @ 2013-11-01 03:17
@Kinsqo although no, u definitely can't use a ql 200 device, however u can use the parasite helm + pioneer backpack plus some tutoring implants and the comp buff, u can get well over 450 tutoring this way, double tap the device for around +46 CL, that's quite significant at low levels.
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