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Item Database - Atrox Thong-Prevention Glasses (Replica)

Atrox Thong-Prevention Glasses (Replica) Icon #45780 A common complaint on Rubi-Ka, particularly amongst new colonists, is the... lack of modesty presented by certain individuals of the epicene breed Atrox. The Atroxes themselves rarely see any fault with their behaviour, but to others their choice in attire can be... somewhat unsettling.
Then, in 29479, a young nanomage engineer named Thomas Kliebert came up with a solution for his constantly-distressed eyesight; utilizing special filtration nanotechnology Kliebert managed to create a pair of goggles which would instantly and perfectly eliminate any thong-wearing Atrox from his field of view.
Assured that he had a success on his hands, Mr. Kliebert attempted to sell rights for his new invention to many of the major corporations across the galaxy; time and time again, however, he was turned down, both on citations of safety concerns and of potential discrimination lawsuits. The product never reached mass market (or even minor market, for that matter), and the engineer then faded into obscurity, having depleted his entire life savings on the failed project.
How on 'Ka a pair of these managed to escape into the wild after so long no one knows, and maybe that's for the best, but if you don't like Atroxes wearing thongs? These are the glasses for you.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear, Can Wear With Social Armor
Patch 18.4
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Head
Value 1
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 0.1kg
Max health 100
On Equip Self Change Vision 43652  
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