18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Bhan'Zor Hammer

Bhan'Zor Hammer Icon #281584 Its gifts come in excess.
The Gluttony of the Xan has been tweaked to a higher performance.
Flags Visible, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear, No Ammo, Fast Attack, Brawl, Dimach
Patch 18.1 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, 0x1
Equip time 5s
Attack time 1.4s
Recharge time 1.4s
Range 4 m
Damage 465-568 (466) - Melee AC
Attack rating cap 2950
Initiative skill Melee init
Mass 5kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
2h Blunt 100 %
To Equip User 2h Blunt >= 2251 and
User Fast attack >= 1126 and
User Brawl >= 1351 and
User Dimach >= 451 and
User Title level >= 6 and
User Expansion sets & 0x80
On Equip User Modify Max health 600  
User Modify Biological metamorphosis 30  
User Modify Psychological modifications 30  
User Modify Offense modifier 30  
Gr3yhawk @ 2010-06-28 16:38
Oh it IS ingame, Dunno how to get it tho >.>
Xebulba @ 2010-07-12 19:13
Gluttony of the Xan is upgraded to this by combined it with, Notum Enriched Nano Paste - 16x Layer..paste has to be Ql150+ though.
taipan @ 2010-12-16 22:13
Best weapon in game?
donger @ 2011-01-12 04:12
not even close
aocat @ 2011-05-12 01:37
The best weapon is probably the A.F.D. Twohander...
ynard @ 2011-08-31 14:57
Pff.. Twohander requires GM>=1, this one is better and froob-friendly: and I can put it on my lvl1 toon ;)
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