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Item Database - Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK XI

Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK XI Icon #16320 This temporarily creates a Shadowweb Spinner.
By drawing upon the powers of the Shadowlands, a Shadowweb Spinner generates a protective and augmenting barrier around the fixer. The spatial displacement properties of the Shadowweb make it more challenging to successfully attack the fixer, while the mild force field provides additional protection against those attacks that do land.
Although it harnesses the power of the Shadowlands to create the Shadowweb, the Shadowweb Spinner is fully operational on Rubi-Ka.
This Shadowweb Spinner will exist for 6 hours before it dissipates into nothingness.
Flags Modified Description
Patch 17.7
QL 215
Crystal Nano Crystal (Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK XI)
NCU 61
Nanocost 4700
School Space
Attack time 20s
Recharge time 5s
Range 1 m
Stacking order 61
Defense skills
Nano resist 0 %
Attack skills
Matter metamorphosis 38 %
Matter creation 35 %
Time and space 27 %
To Use User Profession == Fixer and
User Time and space >= 1502 and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 1502 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 1895 and
User Cyberdeck & 6
On Use User Summon Item SESX  
Jedrox @ 2008-01-09 20:05
ath0 @ 2008-01-21 14:10
Wow! It summons sex!
Ytinirt @ 2008-02-08 02:07
lickmyohmy @ 2008-02-28 04:19
lickmyohmy @ 2008-02-28 04:21 <--- theres some sesx for you guys
Retracnad @ 2008-07-03 02:09
I so want some Sesx
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