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Item Database - Shotgun Incompetence

Shotgun Incompetence Icon #39148 Lowers the Shotgun skill of the target by 20 points.
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override, Buff Nano, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 11.0 14.4.2 15.0.1 15.5.5
QL 10
Crystal Nano Crystal (Shotgun Incompetence)
Nanocost 40
School Psionic: Shotgun inexpertise
Duration 5 minutes
Attack time 2.3s
Recharge time 0.9s
Range 20 m
Effect icon Icon 39637
Stacking order 2
Defense skills
Nano resist 100 %
Attack skills
Sensory improvement 50 %
Psychological modifications 50 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 66 and
User Sensory improvement >= 66
On Use Target Modify Shotgun -20  
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