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Item Database - Scream of Yidira

Scream of Yidira Icon #39126 A shrill shriek penetrates your mind, sending pain throughout your body. Your sight dims, and all you can hear are echoing screams...
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override, Buff Nano
Patch 17.5
NCU 58
Nanocost 222
School Psionic: Blind
Duration 8 seconds
Attack time 1.19s
Recharge time 1.48s
Range 25 m
Effect icon Icon 39617
Stacking order 200
Defense skills
Nano resist 95 %
Attack skills
Sensory improvement 50 %
Psychological modifications 50 %
Halakazham @ 2008-12-02 04:07
Pwn effect :p
FirePaw @ 2011-04-08 16:56
Scary description :x
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