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Item Database - Ring of Sister Merciless

Ring of Sister Merciless Icon #295562 This ring is a signet of belonging to an ancient cult that believed in the cleansing value of pain and sought to understand it.The ring has the power to curse your target. This effect can only be used when the ring is equipped.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear, Use
Patch 17.3 17.4 18.5
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Right finger, Left finger
Value 1600000
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 5kg
To Use User Ring of Sister Merciless wearing
To Equip User Intelligence >= 901 and
User Level >= 206
On Activate Self AddSkill Perception 3  
On Use User Lock Perception 400s  
Attacker Cast Curse of the Merciless  
On Equip User Modify Projectile damage modifier 10  
User Modify Melee damage modifier 10  
User Modify Energy damage modifier 10  
User Modify Chemical damage modifier 10  
User Modify Radiation damage modifier 10  
User Modify Cold damage modifier 10  
User Modify Fire damage modifier 10  
User Modify Poison damage modifier 10  
User Modify Nano cost modifier -2  
User Modify Nano delta 5  
User Modify Critical decrease 1  
Impetus @ 2007-07-17 04:22
1000 dmg per tick every 3 seconds 5 times when you right click it. Umm. PVP anyone? :) We're about to spawn the babe and see if she doesn't spank us.
Impetus @ 2007-07-17 04:25
That's dmg to your nano heh... Not dmg. Even better.
kijika @ 2007-08-07 20:31
i want one >_>

where do you get it?
jokeUsa @ 2007-11-12 11:08
Afaik alba
Courreal @ 2007-12-05 23:00
dropps of Sister Merciless (albtraum pocketboss) to be exact

Threeze @ 2008-01-20 10:09
Using this in pvp is very annoying, because you can never tell if it actually worked or not
Yakobo66 @ 2008-01-25 12:24
does it actually take away 1k per tick or 500 as it should with 1/2 pvp dmg :\
Heltfeil @ 2008-02-08 20:03
Its 1k per tick, since its nano and not health. But do you have to wear it to use it?
Yakobo66 @ 2008-02-15 17:07
not afaik, dont see any "TO Use" req's
Yakobo66 @ 2008-02-15 17:08
crap nerf ast post read the wrong bit >.>
To Use User Ring of Sister Merciless wearing
so yes does need to be worn
Alceona @ 2008-07-10 23:35
Good additional nanodmg for nanodrain professions (trader, engi).
Ats @ 2009-01-08 09:25
Threeze @ 2008-01-20 10:09
Using this in pvp is very annoying, because you can never tell if it actually worked or not


i dont know if i have a bugged version or not but i tested this ring on my friend in omni ent arena 2 times and it didnt work at all.

i first used it on him...nothing

second time i debuffed his nano resist, to where he had -1300 nano resist and used it on him again. nothing.

bugged ring, wish it worked!
Ats @ 2009-02-14 00:18
ahh you need to be attacking the target for this to work. its not like the Inner Sanctum rings where you can use them on a target without being in combat.
Moniker @ 2010-05-27 08:54
I'll take it for the mods, my fine sir, the activation can go suck a big fat popsickle. Its the only ring ingame that adds nanodamage, and it also adds some other yummy stuff for nts. The only shame is that its unique.
furay @ 2010-05-29 22:03
the cooldown is about 6.66 minutes. Hail Stan!
Ats @ 2010-06-07 09:18
This ring is the shit. but only to hotswap :P
Whitey @ 2010-11-10 15:33
rofl furay. 6.66 minutes = 6min40s - and who is stan?
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