18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Ego Pummel

Ego Pummel Icon #16230 Angers the target, making it more likely to attack the caster in favor of other enemies.
Flags Default Target, Item Texture Override, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 11.0 13.4 13.8 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.5
QL 14
Crystal Nano Crystal (Ego Pummel)
Nanocost 58
School Psionic
Attack time 2s
Recharge time 6s
Range 12 m
Stacking order 5
Defense skills
Nano resist 0 %
Attack skills
Psychological modifications 100 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 75
On Use Target Taunt 181  
Hydrojen @ 2006-01-24 02:29
I have this uploaded onto my keeper - and now I have no idea why o.O!?
Engelen @ 2006-06-03 20:57
Cuz it's a taunt and works great at lower lvls for the classes that can tank well. If they can hold aggro. I know many people using this lvling their alts up at lower lvls.
Dagger @ 2009-02-08 09:56
good for pulling mobs out of your reach
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