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Item Database - The Word of Ocra

The Word of Ocra Icon #263875 This book is bound in a strange brown material that feels something like modern nano-synthetics but seems to have no reflective properties at all. It is almost as if the material might even absorb light. The only external marking is a gilt-edged inscription of the insignia of Ocra. The book has an intricate lock clasp that can be opened by pushing slightly on the insignia.
The text itself in undecipherable, even to the most powerful of decoding or analytical programs that have been applied to the task of translation by Jobe research, despite access to a comparative database of over ten thousand different languages and a further ninety thousand regional variations and dialects. No one at Jobe research has been able to even define the Xan alphabet, let alone try and translate the text.
Current theories suggest that perhaps the Xan language did not use any alphabet in the manner that we understand it, and that perhaps what appear to be letters and words are instead some kind of symbolic depiction system that relate metaphors or some other form of communication that would require specific knowledge of their culture to decipher.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry
Patch 17.0
Change QL:
Value 1
Mass 0kg
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